What we can do

(Hello guys, good evening to you all, how are you all doing today? How did your day go? Well, as for me, I am fine, but I am so cold, there was a kind of rain that fell today, the rain started from morning till this evening, I was supposed to go to church today by 4 pm, but this kind of rain fell from morning till almost 7 pm, and then I even slept a little when I was supposed to go to church, but then, I said let me just lay my head down by 4pm, and so I closed my eyes and opened it so quickly, and then I saw that it was already 6pm, I was like wow, what a miracle, can your eyes ever?😅)

So back to business!
Let me use my country to answer the question for today.
With the kind Nigeria and Nigerians that we have today, the hungry and desperate ones, the ones that doesn't want to settle for less, that decision makers...

One of The most crazy truth of the Nigerian of today is that if the borders of every countries were to be opened, then we would know that we do not have or we have just a little patriots, cause I know that most of us today either cares less or do not even care at all about their state of patriotism, I mean, I even have people that claims to be citizens of other countries even when their great grandparents grand parents, parents and themselves were born and brought up in this country, and have never left this country, and the painful truth is that some of them might not even leave this country. (Ouch! sounds cruel, but it's the factual truth!) Someone I knew was even like, they day they will do census data for all citizens in the country, he will not represent himself as a Nigerian, he will denihis country and will proudly claim another one. Can you imagine?

65% of all the whole Nigerians will look for a way to leave this country, he ones that have money will easily take flights to any country of their choice, and ye ones that can't afford a plane expenses will either go to the neighboring countries. I wouldn't even do so surprised when I see one bus saying you should come and pay some amount of money that, that they will carry you to any country of your choice, lol... I know my country, anything to earn money, they will do it.

Now it will help people who were exploring, but because of environment, they were restricted, they couldn't soar higher than they are, and so when they get to other countries that will support them than they can imagine, such country will utilize them, using them for the growth of the country and the person...

Some people used to believe that ones they leave their country to another, they will have a better life, lol that is a very funny and stupid thought, you want to know why? This kind of quote is only for that In their country, they are already working on themselves, they are already making waves, they are already creating a future, when they leave, life is definitely going to be in favour to them..

But you are at home, you are just wishing that you left your country, that you'd be a better hustler in another man's land, it's a big fat lie. You'd be what ever you are in your house in another man's house, you could just try to pretend for a while, but as time goes on, your true you will be revealed with time. If you are an empty barrel in your house, in your country, you'd keep being that everywhere you go, unless you decide to take you seriously that you used to.
Ones you are a life changer in your house, you'd be a better life changer in other places, and you'd be more exposed to greatness of life...

Another of the disadvantages will be that there will be over population of people in some countries, and I can mention 3 countries that will suffer this.

  1. America
  2. Canada
  3. England.

You see these countries mentioned above, they will suffer it, cause even when the borders are not opened, people are already aspiring to run there, when the borders are now opened, what will happen then...

In conclusion.
Opening of borders will only favour those who are serious with their life, because that same problems people are running from is what will still bring them back.
What you are here will reflect what you'd be there...
So who are you? From now, try to be what you want to be, it will help you be your dreams faster.

Thanks for your time.
PS: this post is dedicated to the Hivelearners Weekly Featured contest Week 59 edition 3

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