The best magic device.


Most of the times, the adults usually get unnecessarily angry because we their children, or we the youth and teenagers are so inclined and glued to our phones for a very long period of time, some of us can be on the phone for as long as 4-5 hours non stop, we just do not get tired of it, and so when the adults sees us on the phone again, just the same way they saw us with our phones yesterday, and even the same way 2 days ago, and even the same way they have been seeing us for a while now, it triggers them, I do not know why, but It does...

There is this kind of character that we know that the adults usually posses, if they see you doing something that they might not necessarily see anything that could yield positive or productive results, they might not just talk at that first, and if the next day they see you doing the same thing and almost at the same time, they'd start to suspect, and might not necessarily say anything about your matter and will now conclude that if they see you there again tomorrow at that same time, they'd ask you what you are always doing all these days. And so if they see you the third day at the same time doing the same thing, they'd na call you and ask, “come you, I've been wanting to ask you, what have you been doing since all these days, I saw you there since last week, some will even go as far as saying I saw guy there since last month, what exactly are you doing? How much is it paying you?"

This happens mainly when a girl is talking on a phone for some days, at a particular time, and for a very long time, they will na start investigation, or even a guy is always on his phone from morning till night and has not brought any money, they start asking some suspicious questions and so on.

My father was like this untill he got his first android phone, he always complains that we press our phone till it does, but whenever he enters WhatsApp, he seems to have switched off from this world, he'd have been added to so many groups, and so they'd be dropping a lot of lamba, and so he'd just be falling for everything and be telling us, and be warning us, his phone can even die unconsciously, he'd na say ahh, this battery is not good, ahh, and this thing I was reading is very important, ahh this NEPA what's your problem, and all sorts of things...

My dad is in his late 60s, and so I know how he used to do before he had his first android smartphone, so I'd describe a smartphone to any old people that do not know how to operate it as a magic device, can do anything you want, can make you know anything you want to know, can make you know where you are and where you want to go to, as far as that place is on this earth, they of course will be surprised and I'd have to prove my words to them...

I can remember a day me,my big cousin, and my dad was going to one of his family's in-law birthday party in my cousin's car, and so the route we took, we weren't too familiar with it, and so we were almost going around, and while my dad was telling my cousin to turn to here, turn to there, I just asked then the location, and so after they gave me, I searched for it on Google map, and the place was shown, so I told my dad that we were far from where we were going, and he was like , I don't understand, how do you know, and si I told him I already checked Google map, and it says we have to turn back and go to our left, and he was so surprised, saying, “OYINBO IS TOO MUCH" I just smiled. And so before we got to our destination, he kept on emphasizing on that fact, even after we got home, he still told my mom what happened, I told my siblings, and we just laughed it away...

So one I tell the adults that a smart is just a manual magic, it can get anything you want, even money, just name it, and with prove, they'd believe it, cause what the adults loves the most is speaking actions, then they'd fall for any of your tricks...

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate your patience with me and reading through to this point.

PS this post is dedicated to the Hivelearners Weekly Featured contest Week 64 edition 02

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