Photography Gadgets


There's nothing in the visual world of today that is cheap, everything about it just seems to be unimportantly expensive, cause how will the. Cheapest gadgets for photography be the batteries of a camera or the battery of a speed light be of about be about 6 to 10 thousands naira, I mean we are just talking about battery, how much do you think other things are going to be...

I am a photographer, a certified one at that, but I do not have a camera yet, but even at that, whenever int the chance to hold a camera, I always do my wonders, and a lot, if not all loves my work, now imagine if i indeed do have a camera, what do you think I'd do? I'd practice more than the usual and be so good that I become way better than I used to be, u could even be a celebrated photographer not just in my area, but also in my city and even my country and even all over the world, or what do you think?do you not believe in me? Don't you think I can go global?

Well, do not mind all my sweet tooth, I'm only saying all of these because they said do at the mouth of 2, the truth is established, and so a lot of people has commented on what I do, and they make me worth it...

Back to what I was saying, (what was I even saying? Oh yeah, I was talking about how much or how expensive some or most camera gadgets are.) So if just camera equipments are that expensive, how much do you think a camera wil cost? As of the last time I heard, a prime lens for a camera was about a 80 to a hundred thousand naira, and so then I checked of how much a good camera would worth, I was seeing about 460,000 naira and above, I met a guy that was also a photographer, when the brought out his camera from its packet, I was like wow, this is so beautiful, you should have seen the way he was taking pictures with it, the way he had the zoom in to get a very long long distance, it was so nice, and so I summoned the courage to ask him the name and the amount he got that camera, guess what he said, first of all he laughed, just after that laugh, I was like, hmmm.. why is he laughing oo, is it expensive? Then he said he got it about 1.5 million naira, I mean 1,500,000 naira, and then I did like a big boy and smiled and I was no wahala na but in my mind, I was like hayywww 1.5m? Wow, that's a lot, just one camera? It's well oo, so camera indeed is very expensive, but id really love to get one.

The major reason why I'd love to get a camera is because it's going to reduce a lot of stress,I know the amount of stress I go through just to be able to rent a camera, it's not easy, but if I had a camera, that stress will be taken off.
Another one is that the amount of money that I use for the renting a camera, if it enters my account, I'd be smiling like I won a lottery, it will be a relief that I do not stress over rentals money, my money is going to be completed, not the one that 50% will go to whomever I'd be renting the camera from, id have my full gain...

There are still other photography Gadgets to get, like a speed light and also a reflector, and then every other things can come later...

Thanks for your time.
PS this post is dedicated to the Hivelearners Weekly Featured contest Week 67 edition 1

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