Parent's joy!


Children are the heritage from the Lord to the parent, children are the joy of parents, children is what makes a parent, children are fun, children are also a whole lot of work, children are blessings from God, children are the best gift that a parent can have, children are a whole lot...

Without children, what do you think we will all be of or what we'd look like? there will be no more next generation, or do you think that our current generation will not get old or die one day? And if that happens, what do you think will happen? An empty country, an empty continent, an empty world.

I think that researchers has made up findings that the country with the largest population in the world should be the Indian, then followed by the China and probably the United States, and many more like that...

As we all know, of course in every country, there are three categories of people, We call them the

  • HIGHER CLASS: These are guys that can definitely take care of all their responsibilities with no stress at all, they can get a car at any time they feel like, that can get the most limited edition of a particular product, which of course will cost a fortune, but they can get whatever they want without any stress.
    And so, these guys can take care of their children very well, to the most classy way, they go to schools that probably pays school fees worth 3 million (what ever currency they are spending) without stress...

  • MIDDLE CLASS: These are the guys that can as well take care of most of their responsibilities with a little shake, they live very comfortable, they get to have their cars and houses, but not to be compared to the exavagantly rich people, talking about the highest class guys..
    They are able to take care of their children to a reasonable way, and make them comfortable.

  • LOWER CLASS: now these guys are people that are either not privileged to get anything they want, some of them even depends of some others in the other class, these guys rarely get anything for themselves, not to talk of their children, and so their children suffers a whole lot.


The reason why I mentioned all these long story is to say this...

We look often see that the higher class guys give birth to a maximum of 3 children, and maybe probably they just want to have an additional ones, they give both to just one more, making them 4 children at most.

The same thing goes for the middle class, and so they will know how to take care of them with little or no stress...

And now, you see these so called lower class set of people, the lowest you'll see them give birth to could be 4, you'll see some of them with 5 to 7 children, and they know that they do not have the recourses to take care of the children, and so you see most of them begging or hustling So hard that at the end of the day, they won't have enough strength to take care of the children or meet all their needs, and at the end of the day, they fall sick often times, and other things happens from there...

As much as children are blessings, some people can make them a course, cause there's no proper bring up, and this will ruin a child's up bringing...

So I feel that if the government is to be involved in these matter, people who do not have enough resources or let's say people that can't take care of children should not be allowed to give birth to more than 1, but if of course they do love children so much, then they should probably be given the chance to give birth that most 2 children, and they should rest.

Of course unless the government will be ready to sponsor everything about the parent that can't take care of their children...

Cause I don't really think that the middle class or the higher class guys will give birth to too many children, and even if they eventually do, they do have the resources to take care of the children...

Let's not forget, children are the blessings from God to humanity, but let us not miss use the opportunity of having children for another thing.
Children remains parents joy.

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