I think the best I will give them will. Be the HS.M.H


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Week 24:- Edition 02:- hl-exclusive hl-w24e2

The Next Generation is a time (or let me say) the people that will be better than we are (that is our prayers right? That out children be better than we are). As the day renews, so as life and technology, so we have to follow it in order not to lag behind.

If you should ask now, everyone wants a car, but no one wants the cars that their father uses then in the olden days, cars like Beatle, 404 old Mercedes-Benz, and so on. Everyone wants the best of cars now, even if not the Ferrari kinds, but at least, a portable car that is appealing to the eyes.

So if I were to give my generation just 3 things, the first thing I'll gladly give them is the


What do I mean? No man is perfect, but with the guidance of the spirit of God with them, nothing is impossible, the directions they need to survive, the connection they need to have in life, their life partners, and so on like that...

Sometimes, some people think all these things are hard to find, but with the help of the holy spirit, all these things are as easy as anything.

A man sai, and I quote...

If all you give your child is money and cars, you haven't given them the most important, it's not that those kind of things are wrong oo, but if all you give them is JESUS! You give them all.

The bible said you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. And also it said, seek ye first the kingdom of God and every other things shall be added to you, I repeat, every other things!

So the first and foremost thing that I will invest in the next generation will be the spirit of God.

The second most important thing is


So I decided to go to the dictionary to check out the meaning of moral, not like I don't have my definition, but I needed to be kinda clear of somethings.
Now, this is what the dictionary said.

Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour.

There are times when I see some fine girls, and I will be like oops, what kind of exceptional beauty is this? But as soon as I get close to them, I see some kind of (ABC) attitudes, behaviors, characters that they portray, and I will be like, why will such a beautiful person be behaving like this? Is it that fine people don't have sense or what? (Abi true true life is not balanced that fine people don't have sense? Pls let me not be fine then.)

Your morals is the first thing that will make people to associate with you or run away from you, so if you have a bad moral, you won't be able to leave a good moral for the next generation.

So in all, what I am trying to say is that morals will go far in their life, and with the help of it, they will secure a better future and connection.

The third thing will be...


Hive is a platform where you come you have sense by force, if you do rubbish, you'll be scolded, if you do right, you'll be rewarded, and that's why I love it. What do I mean? I used to make some mistakes in hive, most especially in the @galenkp W.E And he as scolded me several times, and the more I make the mistake, the more he keeps scolding me, and now, I already have sense, I have to adapt to his rules and regulations in order for me to gain rewards from him, you understand what I a saying right?

Same goes to the real life, when you do rubbish, you'll be scolded, but when you do the right thing, you'll be rewarded.

I think that will be all for now.

Thank you for reading through...
Remain blessed and remember that Zar loves you...

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