Your Help Could Go A Long Way ~ How To?

This is it!
The height of it, no one told me this thing hurt this much, I could literally go crazy.
So I never knew this is how powerful and harmful this product is until today.
So I got this recommendation from a friend of mine to apply this hot balm to my head because my hair/head felt very itchy.
She told me it could be lice infestation, so it's best if I treated it now that it is early, so heeding her advice and suggestion since she has been through a similar plight, I decided to give it a try.
I thoroughly washed my hair with shampoo and from the reckless scratching, you could tell I had sustained a lot of injuries on my head.
I let my hair dry for a while before I went along with the application of the hot balm named Aboniki😭😢

At first, it felt good because the itches were slowly dying down, so because of that, I was like, this got to be it (poor me!). I eventually increased or should I say double the amount of the product on my hair, I took the pain of partitioning my hair bit by bit to apply the balm properly all over my head. The more I applied the balm, the worst it became, it wasn't only hot but peppery.
The effect was felt throughout my room, that's how powerful the effect of the balm is.


After the application, my head was burning as if it was on fire, actually, it still is, and writing this, I feel like crying. If I had my way, I would wash it off but trying that will worsen the whole matter, the moment I introduce water to this, I will go crazy for real. The little I had on my palms when I washed my hands, they were on fire so imagine if I did the same to my head? I will go nuts.
And I will just have to endure the whole thing for the night and see what happens in the morning but truth be told, I don't think I can keep up with this so I just pray it's not lice infestation and if it is, then it should just go away with just this because I am going through a lot of pains in just one process, so imagine how long I could keep up with such if it doesn't just go away at once😭😭

So please guys, a little help will do here. If you still want me to be in my right senses, recommend something better for treating or preventing, or even driving away lice infestation. One that isn't as harmful and hurtful as this. I can't take on this for a second time for real. I do know that excess of everything is not good but I didn't see this coming and though I don't regret trying but I am in so much pain😥😭
Help a sister out here if you can ladies, thank you in advance


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              13 March 2022

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