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Hello beautiful✨ people of hive-learners, greetings to you all from @youngmiliki and I welcome you all to our weekly featured contents, week-03 edition-03

             ```_This can be any food at all, it can be local or foreign dish. What matter is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared._```

Today I will like to take you guys to youngmiliki's kitchen to tell you one out of My Favorite Food🫕, because as a lover of good food and also a good cook👨🏻‍🍳 I believe we should have varieties of favorite food😁 not just one, we all know this right😅👍 without food🫕, there is no life🤷‍♂️. There are so many dishes available in today's world🌎 some like Indian foods like Biryani, some like the Chinese foods sautéed sweet and sour pork tenderloin, and some like the western foods like pizza🍕, burger🍔, noodles🍝, whereas some like the African foods like Nigerian jollof-rice, Ghanaian Rice and beans (waakye) Senegal rich and fish (thieboudienne) etc. Among the number of food, plantain with vegetable stew and ice fish🦈is my favorite food because plantain with the vegetable stew and fish is very healthy to my body and it makes me strong💪🏼.

5 to 10 ripe plantains 1cup of palm oil, 1 large onion🧅 5-10 fresh tomatoes🍅, pepper🌶️ to your acceptance level, 1 to 2 fish🦈 depending on the numbers of people you want to feed, 1 bunch of fluted-pumpkin (ugu), 3 to 4 cubes of seasoning, teaspoon of salt, 1cup of crayfish

ABOUT PLANTAIN - Plantain (popularly known as Dodo in Nigeria are type of fruit that look like their relative, Banana🍌 , but bigger. Plantain have firm flesh inside and thick peels and the peel can be tougher than a banana's, you may have to cut off with a knife. And plantains are carb-rich food and a good source of fiber, that contains vitamins, and minerals that fight free redicals.
Tests- Plantain taste little like potato but they are starchier in texture, and can be fired along with yam or even with sweet potato and they can also be cooked .
Unripe plantain cooked or roasted has been proven over the year to induce, sustain and maintain erection
FLUTED-PUMPKIN - popularly known as (ugu) to many Nigeria, is one of the most consumed vegetables leaves which a lot of us are unaware of its benefit to our body.
Ugu leaves can be consumed in different ways - it can be made as soup, also added to salads and drink like juice because ugu leaves helps to prevent osteoporosis, which affect the bones, especially in the aged.
Health benefits of Fluted-pumpkin leaves. Nutrients values
Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Calcium, and Iron.
TOMATOES🍅 are full of antioxidants including vitamin C, therefore, eating tomatoes🍅 may help reduce the amount of cell-damaging in the body and it will give you a youthful skin. Also tomatoes🍅 fight cellular damage.
ONION🧅 are used as a base to many recipes since it makes the food intense. It can be fired after cutting into pieces or after grating, and Onion🧅contain antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, and also help reduce high blood pressure and protect against blood clots.
FISH🦈 is a low fat and high quality protein, and fish🦈 is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as vitamin D and B2. fish🦈 is also rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iodine, zinc, iron magnesium and potassium.
PEPPER🌶️ have a lot to do in some food, they are low in calories and loaded with good nutrition. All varieties of pepper🌶️ are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid and fiber, they bland food and making it more satisfying.
palm oil is used for preventing vitamin A deficiency, Cancer, brain disease, aging, and treating of malaria, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cyanide poisoning. Palm oil is also used for weight loss and increasing the body's metabolism and for food, palm oil is used for frying.
Salt and Maggi are very important for cooking, its makes food tasty and they are almost indefensible in our food menu and kitchen....

How to cook or boil your plantain. Cut your plantain into one-inch discs, then peel it after that is done, you should rinse before cooking, put a cooking pot on fire pure in water and put in your plantains in boiling water allow the plantain to cook for 15 to 25 minutes to soften and once the plantain have turn yellow color your boiled plantain is ready👍, drain the water and allow it to cool for 2 to 3 minutes.
How to cook your vegetable stew with palm oil and fish, Before you start to cook your vegetable stew firstly you need to wash all your green vegetables and your tomatoes🍅, Onion🧅, peppers🌶️ and the fish🦈 with plenty of water to remove all the dirty. Chop the fresh tomatoes🍅, Onion🧅, pepper🌶️ and the ugu leaves and set aside,pre-boil your fish🦈 with one or two cubes of Maggi and small salt and set aside after all that is done, get ready for cooking.
Put the cooking pot on your gas-cooker , heat the palm oil for some minutes, add your chopped onions🧅 allow it to fry for 30 to 40 seconds add your chopped tomatoes🍅 and pepper🌶️, one seasoning cube to the hot oil and stir, let them cook till the onion turns lighter before you add the per-boiled fish🦈.
Leave everything to cook for three (3) minutes before you stir again, let it cook again for some addition three (3) minutes, and stir again to mix up everything you have in the stew and allow to cook for more minutes again like 10 to 12 minutes at that minute the fish🦈 would have cooked well then you add up other ingredients that you want in the stew for better taste and allow to cook for some extra minute, add up your vegetables (ugu-leave) cover to cook till they look soft and that shouldn't take long. You can now check if the vegetables in the stew look reduced in size, then its time to stir very well, check if the taste is good for you or not, I believe if you're a good cook you will be able to know the quantity of ingredient your food need.

The reason why I love plantain with vegetable stew is because is easy to cook and very affordable thank you guys for your time and have a wonderful weekend.

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