What's my major problem right now?

Growing up we used to hear a problem shared is a problem solved but as I grew older I realized they've rephrased the whole statement now "A problem shared is a problem half solved" If it is half solved who will now solve the remaining half, they've left the other half to the owner of the problem abi?.

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A songwriter said "Problem e no dey finish" Well that's true, Problems are inevitable they come forcing their way into our lives even when we don't need them, talking about my problems there are many but I'm gonna stick with the major one. I started at my current workplace last year in January when my nation decided to redesign the nation's banknote, the problem started from then till the late part of the year when the removal of fuel subsidy came into play resulting in the increment in transportation, those times weren't good for me but at least my pay was able to cover the transportation and my expenses for the month and out of it I was able to save some portion of it as well, I wasn't on Hive then so imagine how I was able to survive with my salary.

Before the new year began I had already planned the month cause they say "December salary is to be spent in January" This particular statement kept ringing in my head to the point if I wanted to get something the thoughts of my expenses to work would appear like an image, when I have this thought I'd ensure to abort every spirit of spending just to stay on track. so I minded how I spent every penny during the festive season and didn't get carried away.

The money I saved up for January expenses was able to sustain me til the next payday, so the next payday came and I was paid, I did the necessary thing I usually do, apportion my salary to the various accounts to which they belong, I carried my expenses debit card to the local market to get some foodstuffs, in the process the money in my expenses card got exhausted I was shocked and I needed to get more things, so I transferred some money from my other account to continue in purchasing the remaining items, after everything I got to the house and used the calculator in my phone to track everything I've bought, to my greatest surprise the prices of things I bought are now times three the price it was last year, I was outraged.

The new month started thought I could manage the funds in my other account till the end of the month to sort my transportation but then I was wrong, I ended up using all the funds, and I had to withdraw from my savings still not enough, its when I came to the hive platform to withdraw some HBD I was having then it dawned on me how difficult things has become.

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The question I keep asking myself every day is if things would normalize back to how it was then whenever I go out I hear people lamenting, grumbling, and saying the economy of the nation will never get better, one of my colleagues at the office said since he was born his been hearing the nation will get better now his getting old and things are getting even worse, It hurts my feeling that things are getting worse every day in my country, cause it's affecting my daily life, the prices of items have increased, I see people trek part of their journey before entering a vehicle to their workplace so they don't have to pay much.

My major problem has to do with the economy of my nation, I want things to go back to normal, and I want to see Nigerians smile again, I want this current hardship the citizens are going through to come to an end. Is it too much to ask?

Thanks for reading🌹

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