Transport fares are affected by petrol!!

Everything that happens in life is being triggered by something and some of these things are bound to affect us positively or negatively. Even the issue of transportation in my nation and you might be wondering "What is that major thing that triggers it" So many factors could contribute to the issue of transportation like bad roads, traffic, and some others too numerous to mention "not numerous though just a few".

The major problem with transportation in the city I'm based in isn't bad roads and kudos to the previous leaders for that, neither is it traffic, it is caused by "petrol" before the removal of the so-called fuel subsidy, everything was going smoothly, I could remember when I first got my job. The amount of money I spend on transportation every day was less than 0.5 dollars.

Wow!! Such an amount on transportation was "very good" Those were the first words I uttered after the interview, I accepted the job due to the fair rate of transportation because it wasn't choking on me compared to the others. In my part of the nation, before accepting any job offer, so many things have to be put into consideration and the most important one is "transportation".

The easy movement of people and goods from one place to another is known as "transportation" which has become a huge part of our lives, the cost of transportation wasn't too expensive "it was though but not extreme like this" but currently the cost of transportation in my nation is killing.

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A few days back I was going to the office when I saw a lot of people walking on the road like they were being released from something, I couldn't keep up cause the crowd was kind of scary I didn't know where they were headed, so I had to board a vehicle, on our way, I asked the driver what was happening and why people were walking on the road like that.

In his words "They are going to find their daily bread" that is "they are going to their different places of work" I wanted to ask the reason they were walking instead of taking a cab like every other person when the driver said "They couldn't afford the transport fare so they will walk a little before entering a cab" to enable them to keep up with the transportation fare.

In the early times "the beginning" it wasn't like this, transportation wasn't this expensive, everything was normal till the president of my nation made the most crucial decision ever by " removing the fuel subsidy" I don't know if the removal of the subsidy was supposed to make the economy of my nation better "maybe it was" but currently, the reverse is the case.

The transportation issue in my city is caused by the price of petrol and the only way to resolve is for the government to regulate the price of petrol "Let the price be fixed" Imagine one gas station selling at a lower rate, and some selling at a higher rate. It's the price of petrol that is affecting other things in the nation as well, like the increment in the price of goods "Yeah!!! Petrol has a hand there". I feel like if the price of petrol is regulated to a minimum then the issue of transportation will be resolved " if not fully".

Thanks for reading🌹

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