Physical appearance a necessity

They say "You are addressed the way you are dressed right?" It simply states the importance of physical appearance, in my part of the world people can look at the way you are dressed and know the kind of person you are, yeah!! People can go to that extent in determining your personality well to a certain breadth that can be true. Our appearance tells a lot about us, I've been at a place where someone walked in looking all stunning and sharp, and from a single glance my friends and I concluded that the person was intelligent, when someone says you look sharp in my nation it simply refers to your appearance attached with your knowledge, some looks can be deceiving though, so don't be deceived.

image designed by me using Canva

I've never seen anyone looking frayed in an interview, I don't know if that moment is dedicated to fine looks cause everyone intends to look their best, but now the question is "Why are they looking like that if it isn't important? Now the answer is physical appearance matters but it shouldn't be the primary reason for offering a job to an individual.

Sometimes appearance can terminate whatever skill one has cause they say "First impressions matter" which is an opinion people form when they first meet us, most times it takes less than two minutes, a lot of the things people think about us come from observation and assumption. Physical appearance is a factor that affects the appraisal of our skills.

Imagine I got an interview in your company and the role I applied for is one of the top roles at the company, so that day came, I woke up in the morning, had my bath, wore blue jean trousers and a crop top or a skimpy see throw dress, I sat at the reception waiting to be called in, finally got to my turn, the receptionist escorted me to the hall where the interview is taking place then I opened the door and walked in, as the interviewer what would be your reaction the moment you see me? The interviewer won't take me seriously, no matter the kind of skill I have, my appearance has shown a level of unseriousness in me.

Another imagination, now imagine you employed me cause of my skill and one day I am to represent the company in an important meeting, then I appear at the meeting looking like a gangster, would you regret employing me or you would caution me against my dressing, the good thing is our appearance can be worked on if the person in question is ready to learn.

In my opinion appearance and skill are relative, both matters, both of them are important and should be considered in an interview, but then the first thing the interviewer notices is our appearance, our posture, which conveys our personality, values, and interests, in as much as we have the right skill and experience looking good is also important. So in conclusion our physical appearance should match whatever skill we have cause appearance itself is a skill.

I won't change anything concerning this, I like it just the way it is, cause appearance makes us feel confident and increases our self-esteem, when we appear good we equally feel good about ourselves.

Thanks for reading🌹

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