It's all about love!!

I don't think people give birth with the mindset of having children to fall back to in old age, they give birth because there is satisfaction in having offspring they can call their own, even with the inconvenience it can inflict sometimes, in the world today children are raised with the mindset of looking after their parents during old age, most parents see it as an obligation and the responsibility of the child but then not all children see it as an obligation to care for their parents at old age, there is a popular saying that "you can't reap where you did not sow" and that is known as stealing, imagine going to somebody's farm to harvest what you did not plant, they will beat you hehe!!!.

Old age is like the advanced baby age because at that age they can't be able to work, run around, and earn money for their bills except for those who have their old age planned out, those who are given gratuity or are getting a pension from the state government, that's the major reason people pray for government jobs cause of these benefits after retirement. It's what most aged people in my nation are using to sort out some bills for themselves without being fully dependent on their children.

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I feel like taking care of our parents during old age isn't a responsibility, it has to do with the love we have for them, they say love makes you do incredible things, love is sacrifice, and our parents are heroes, they've sacrificed a part of their lives by giving birth to us, nurturing us into this perfect being, they went through thick and thin raising us, they borrowed money to settle our school fee just for us to have a good education and become better than them, they are the most selfless humans on the face of the earth.

Imagine all the sacrifices they've made on our behalf, so we could have a wonderful life, I've noticed my mum starve herself just for us to eat and be full, still, I would complain that I wasn't satisfied, tell me one thing that would make someone sacrifice this much for you, nope you got it wrong, the right answer is "love" It is the love they have for us.

I know some parents impose these old age responsibilities on their children thereby shocking them with it which isn't fair, cause the children also have a life to live and a family to care for. In my opinion, it shouldn't be imposed on children to be held accountable for the well-being of their age parents but the truth is if that child loves you tell me why that child won't go the extra mile in providing and supporting you even with the little he had, after knowing the sacrifices paid in raising him, most parents sacrificed their futures for the children. There were days they still battled with the responsibility of taking care of the children.

They say love is giving, who you love you give, so, in conclusion, it has nothing to do with responsibility it has to do with the love we have for them, cause when you say responsibility it feels like my children are taking care of me out of pity or having a sense of guilt, no I wouldn't want that, in cases like this, they would be praying for me to die so they could be free from that responsibility placed on them but when we say, "love" it knows no bound, love would make my children look at me and would want to support me when I'm old. I'm gonna save up and have some investments, and purchase properties that would appreciate so before old age comes knocking at the door, I would have something to fall back to, so I won't be fully dependent on my children cause they have their family bills to sort out as well.

Thanks for reading🌹

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