Fully trusting the driverless or not!!!

Can't believe the year is almost running out, looking back, I feel like it was just a few months ago that we were screaming and rejoicing for the new year and here we are already in the tenth month of the year "How amazing".

Everything mentioned above has made me realize how fast the world keeps evolving and birthing new things. Currently, Technology is doing the most right now, with their innovations, every day something new is being birthed into the world of technology and I feel like there are still more things to come.

Cars also known as "automobiles" are vehicles with four wheels that carry several passengers, and it is moved by an engine. I don't know what the first car that was produced was but I can tell from the time I got to know a lot about cars, that the first cars I knew were "manual transmissions" and technology didn't end there, after a while they starting producing cars with automatic features.

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Thinking that was the end till I started hearing about cars that could drive themselves without the support of a human.

And what are self-driven cars?

They are also known as "autonomous vehicles" and have the abbreviation "AV" or driverless "that sounds better" These are cars that move from one place to another without human intervention, the car is human itself "How interesting" In my part of the world people love and care a lot about their lives so such an invention won't move them except those that are willing to try out new things.

Now I'm beginning to imagine something funny, if a Nigerian purchases such a self-drive car, I don't think the owner would allow the car to drive itself because they would be restless inside the vehicle.

Even inside a vehicle that they drive, they aren't too comfortable, and talk more of a vehicle that would be driving itself. It's a good thing that technology is advancing and making life easy and stress-free, and this invention is something I have been looking forward to "Now I can close my eyes for a while".

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I have a thing for cars, my aunty made this feeling grow because whenever we were driving out, we'd always talk about cars, those moments made me realize the feeling I thought I never had and that is " loving cars".

If I had the opportunity to purchase such an autonomous vehicle "Omo" I don't think my brain would want to think about it twice "I'm getting it". Now such a vehicle has its advantages and disadvantages, but the positive aspect of it would be a reduction of accidents on the road.

Most of the accidents that occur are caused by drivers, some drivers don't know the rules and regulations of driving, some don't even go for driving classes, and they call themselves "self-taught", That is why you'll hear some drivers say "I didn't learn driving" I just woke up one morning and started driving "yeah!! It happens" such persons don't know the rules of driving.

Such self-driving cars are even safer compared to certain drivers, they are unaffected by factors like "emotions" This alone will increase the level of safety on the road, imagine everyone owning a self-driving car, I feel like there would be fewer crazy and drunk drivers on the road.

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This particular technological invention would benefit our society as a whole, especially in areas where driving privileges are needed for the old, and the disabled, such autonomous vehicles are gonna improve that aspect.

In cases of accidents who is to be blamed: The owner of the vehicle has nothing to do with the occurrence of any accident because the person isn't driving or maybe "it's due to ownership" but that can't be done. Then talking about the manufacturers of the vehicle, they've embedded in the vehicle every software needed to make it reliable and that isn't a guarantee that certain issues won't arise like software failure or mechanical issues. If the accident was caused by software failure then the manufacturers should be involved and blamed.

If the accident was caused by an external factor like a car hitting it, then the driver of the other vehicle should be blamed for it. Firstly we have to know the cause of the accident before trying to throw the blame.

In conclusion: I feel like human drivers shouldn't be fully reliant on autonomous vehicles, I feel drivers should serve as backup drivers in case anything goes wrong because you can't predict uncertainties.

Thanks for reading🌹

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