Everyone deserves a second chance

They say the prison is a correction center for criminals but with the kind of prison we have in my nation I don't think the founders of the prisons here understand the word "corrections" I don't think people who enter that place will come out with the mindset of changing from their past behaviors, I feel they would want to do worst cause of the experience.

My big sister was privileged "If that's the right word" to visit someone in prison who had been there for a while, she took food with her to give to this person, now that person must hold a special place in her heart, so when she came back to the house she couldn't say a word and was just trying to process everything she saw.

When she finally opened her mouth to speak the first words that came out were "People are suffering in prison" She said the whole place looked so unkept, even the prison rooms were very dirty, and the kind of smells coming out from that place can kill someone, then her finals words "that place isn't meant for humans even some animals can't survive there" imagine humans being treated that way. Prisons are seen as a labor industry where prisoners are given all sources of hard work in my nation.

Do I believe criminals can be rehabilitated?

My answer will be "yes and no", for the yes, Criminals are people and they say what's constant in people's lives is change so I believe people can change when they regret their actions and are ready to take up the necessary tools to better their lives, some criminals can be rehabilitated if they choose to, but the truth is its a game of choice which can't be imposed, the feeling of rehabilitation should come from the individual in question who is remorseful for his/her actions, now not all criminals feel this remorse after being caught for doing something wrong to society, In my part of the world, people believe punishment is the only solution that can make someone refrain from a criminal act but then punishment is just a temporary solution.

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And for the no, not everyone is bound to change, people differ in everything, some people don't feel a single bit of remorse after hurting others or even after killing someone, they'd feel they did the right thing and the person they've hurt deserve the hurt. So people differ.

Can Murderers and fraudsters learn from their mistakes?

Whether a criminal learns from his mistakes or not solely depends on the individual, now I'm so focused on the term " individual" cause I feel like change starts from within before it is externalized, some murderers and fraudsters are likely to learn from their mistakes if the reason behind the action wasn't intentional, I believe there are reasons behind some actions, such persons are likely to learn from their mistakes and utilize their time in prison for self-reflection and personal growth, as for those that do it for fun "killing for fun" I doubt if they would ever learn, so such persons should remain in prison for the safety of society.

Other nations' prisons provide educational programs, counseling, and other resources that are aimed at helping prisoners address the root cause of their actions, I doubt if my nation has that in their prisons. Prisoners should be educated and provided with skills during their stay in prison so that when they come out to the real world they will have something to do " they say the idle man is the what..." other than going back to their past behavior. When prisoners are released they should always be checked on and monitored from time to time.

Most of these prisoners come out of prison nobody would want to hire them, so they hardly get a job, On the other hand, who would want to hire a criminal "I know right" but then I feel the people outside have a major role to play as well in supporting these people in question, the people outside should learn to accept these people when they come out of prison and give them a second chance as well cause everyone deserves a second chance.

Thanks for reading🌹

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