A weak point to get rid of!

Are there perfect beings on the face of the earth? Recently I was having a conversation with someone and I asked a question "What is your weak point" The person replied " I don't have a weak point" and I was like "Why don't you have a weak point?" the person responded by saying "not everyone has a weak point" I chuckled but it wasn't loud so I don't look for trouble, then I stared into the person's eyes and was like "then you must be a perfect human" I didn't continue with the conversation cause I trust myself if I continue with that type of conversation "it's gonna lead to us raising our voices at each other", so I had to put an end to the conversation respectively to maintain my steeze.

Humans were created to be perfect beings at birth "no doubt" but then as we grew older, we developed certain traits of imperfections in us, which have become a part of the human race. And that's why you hear this saying "No human is perfect" Though some persons try as much as they can to contradict this statement cause they don't want to admit the fact that they've got some flaws the truth remains that "we aren't perfect beings".

The one beautiful thing about accepting our imperfections and weaknesses is the fact that we get to identify that particular weak point in us and it doesn't end there, we look for solutions to improve ourselves in that area. when we work on ourselves, we even become better persons for ourselves and others as well.

What is my weak point "Well, I don't have a weak point "Okay you've caught me right in the act" I have, and that is "anger" I'm literally among those sets of persons that would tell you "I'm not angry" but deep down inside of me, I'm angry. I tend to see myself as someone that doesn't angry easily but then when something happens people around me would be like "you get angry easily" at this point I would still try to convince them that I don't angry easily but my facial expressions keep saying otherwise.

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Certain things would happen that when properly discussed won't lead to me getting angry, now I'm gonna explain, last year my friend and I decided we were going to buy a bag for my aunty on her birthday "The whole idea was mine" we've already made plans and preparation on the kind of bag we were gonna purchase, now on getting to the day, I called my friend on the phone and was like "when are we going to get the bag?" She replied, "I've paid for the bad already, you can buy something else for her".

At this moment I started developing mixed feelings but then after a while, the feeling of anger superseded the other feeling and my face started folding with a frown, I decided to do something else for my aunt though it came late, when I got to my aunty's house, I saw my friend there, she came to hug me but unfortunately I wasn't giving back that same hugging energy, immediately she noticed I was angry.

"Are you angry because of that?" she said

"I'm not angry" I answered

I feel like if she had communicated to me earlier that she would be getting the bag alone, I wouldn't have gotten angry but the fact that she waited for me to call, so she could break the news got me angry. Often little things do get to me, I'm not gonna deny that, and it's something I'm working on.

Thanks for reading🌹

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