That One Thing I Would Love To Be Able To Buy


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We have our needs and wants that we can afford to live without and cannot live without. The needs, we cannot live without or without it them, it makes living more difficult but the wants we can afford to live without. They are called needs and wants because of how valuable they are to our existence as human beings.

The first thing that makes us whole as humans is health. Good health they say is expensive and you can only really appreciate how important good health is when you are sick. Sometimes I feel this is true because we only stop to check how we are living when we are diagnosed with an ailment.

Each and everyday we do things that put our health at risk. Some of us eat more junk
food despite warnings and eat things we have been warned not to eat. Me for example, I tend not to have a lot of allergies or things I do not eat. I eat almost everything.

The most expensive thing in this world for me is good health. I know that maybe sounds kind of lame and something you didn’t expect but if good health could be bought and I could afford it, I would buy it fast with no questions asked. I like to think I am quite healthy but of course I am not a 100% healthy.

When I see how some sick people struggle to even move or eat or even take their medicine, I appreciate health more and more. If you asked someone who was in dire need of a kidney transplant or some other serious life threatening health procedure, what they would want at that instant, it probably would be to be healed of whatever sickness they have. I know I would.

We have heard instances were some people have the money but then they still cannot save themselves form certain ailments. Though money makes it easier to get access to quality health care, you must look to be in control of your own health.

I realized sometime ago I wasn’t really taking care of myself and so I started measures to solve that. I went to the gym for about a month if I am not mistaken to get myself into a better shape. However, I travelled for some time and school has also stopped my gym and workout sessions.

I am hoping it is something I can visit again soon. Aside the gym, I am also planning to eat more healthier foods and avoid eating too much oil and junk food. Junk food is really nice to eat but man must look after his health or what do you say. I have postponed early morning jogs for a longtime. Maybe it is time to revisit that and see if I can find the time to start running early in the morning.

I used to run early mornings on weekends with friends in my childhood and after, play football. I did enjoy that very much but for the longest time, I haven’t even touched a football. I can’t remember the last time I played football but I think I have compensated that with watching others play. It’s not the same but watching is kind of fun too.

So yeah, here you have it friends. The most expensive thing I would like to have is good health.

Thank you.

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