
Homowo is an annual festival of the people of Ga. It is celebrated annually to remember times where there was severe hunger and the people of the Greater Accra Region specifically, the Ga’s were able to overcome. The famine within that time was very severe. The people of the Ga speaking language went through a horrifying time. They were struggling for food but in the end were able to overcome it. Hence, the word “Homowo” in the Ga language means hooting at hunger. It is usually celebrated during the rainy season. Dancing, various rituals and feasting are some common activities during this festive season. The festive season commences with the planting of maize till time of harvest. During this period, there is a particular clothing of the people. They walk through streets of the town, drumming and dancing in a particular way. This dance move is referred to as “Kpatsa”. There is spreading of a local meal prepared by the leaders or paramount chiefs of the town. This meal is also called “Kpoikpoi”. This meal is made with of cuss the harvested maize that was planted at the beginning of the festival and it is mixed with palm oil. They believe that as they sprinkle the meal on the streets of the town, it symbolizes the banishment of hunger. Then the new era of abundance, prosperity and developmental growth of the Region is welcomed.

Cultural dance during the festive seasons


When it's time for the celebration of this festival, the citizens within this Region are cautioned against any form of noise making. They are warned not to engage in any activity that will generate noise within the Region. Churches, night clubs, hotels, beaches, restaurants, anywhere there is a possibility of noise making, be it loud music, are not to operate. Churches are not even allowed to play any instruments during this time. Anyone who refuses to adhere to this directive does so at his own risk. There are guards that will be deployed to take notice of this directive. They are going to be in charge. Anyone caught by this palace guard will have a price to pay. It could come in the form of paying a huge sum of money to the chief. It is announced to the general public through various means. General spread through television stations, radios and other social media platforms. It is announced several times so ignorance of this order will be no excuse. Not even your lawyers can save you from the punishments at hand if caught making noise during this time period. So from the beginning of this festival to the end, there is no form of noise making allowed.

The believe behind this is that.

There is some interesting and fascinating belief behind this ban on noise making. There is the belief that, during the festive seasons, the gods and also, the spirit of the departed ancestors visit the land to bless them. They are therefore not needed to be disturbed with all sorts of noise so they can perform their duty peacefully. They also believe it is a form of showing respect to the ancestral spirits when they visit them to bless them. Also, the ban on noise making within this period is believed to prevent any distractions, allowing individuals to think and reflect on their lives, and see possible ways to make things right in their lives. This has been the norm since generations, hence, although we are in the 21st century where technology and modern lifestyle are the new norm, this practice still continues just to make sure that their heritage and traditions are not thrown away.

To some, it is a very good practice, probably they may be the ones who do not need sounds or loud music in any way. Others too, it is a worry, especially those who run businesses in noisy environments. It is believed that music and noise enhancement business and profit maximization. No doubt, some businesses like night clubs, pubs, drinking, food joints etcetera all need music to run smoothly. Without music, the atmosphere is not all that lovely and cheerful, hence, customer patronage will be low. These business owners have no choice than to adhere to these directives in order not to get their ass in a very big mess. They have to manage and cope with it until the festive season is over. Then they can come back to their normal daily profitable business. As I said earlier, any violation of this ban will result in a fine or punishment from the Chief palace. Sometimes too, the instruments used in the noise making are seized and sent to wherever they wish too. It can be sent to the chief palace or their personal home. Some corrupt individuals may even decide to sell them for cash. Lol. That’s possible right? Expect anything from them when you are caught. Not even the law can save you this time round.

Benefits of this festival celebration to the people of Ga


  1. Fosters togetherness and unity; in actual sense, when they all come into one accord to celebrate this festival, they believe they are together in both spirit and flesh. They do everything with oneness and unity. This helps build good relationships within themselves. People from different backgrounds, different ages, come together to celebrate in one spirit. This is how beautiful it is. There is a strong unity within the community afterwards. Oneness is power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. It is also a moment of remembrance; this is the time the people of the Ga (Greater Accra Region) pay homage to their ancestors. This is why they pour libation with the mention and invoking of the ancestral spirits in their local language - Ga. This gives them memories of the past people who did great works. They fought for them and some even sacrificed themselves for their people. All of them and being remembered and shown maximum due respect.

  2. Reinforcement of cultural heritage; this practice was done in accent times by their forefathers. It was then by their great great grandparents, followed by their grandparents, then to their parents and now they themselves are performing these rites. This is the generational line in the celebration of this festival. Performing this rite now will also show their children that, in case they are no more, they will also continue. This is how the heritage of this culture is preserved and keeps being practiced generation after generation.

  3. It helps enlighten the youth and younger ones on their cultural heritage; celebrating Homowo brings groups of all people including the youth and even foreigners together. They one way or the other get to learn about their cultural background, historical stories behind their survival, their ancestral trace and many other things. They are able to identify themselves and know who they truly are. These youth will one day grow and also teach their next of keens. Hence, this celebration provides an avenue for educational value for both the youth and even some strangers or foreigners that are living within the vicinity or just came to witness the festival.

  4. Generates foreign exchange through tourism; I believe there are individuals or groups of people who will be interested in learning something new. Some will just attend this celebration just to witness how these rites are performed. There could be individuals from different countries, regions, cities or towns, who will come just for recreational reasons. They will come just to have a feel of this historical moment. They will definitely bring some gifts for the chiefs and his people as a token of appreciation. Some will spend money just to acquire certain things. All these are forms of revenue to the community. Even other chiefs from other regions will attend and definitely come along with something as a gift too. There are so many ways revenue can be generated during these occasions.

In a nutshell, this festival comes along with both the pros and cons. Regardless what the cons may be, I believe the pros will overshadow at all means. This is my own research and I hope you learnt something new. In case there was misinformation correction somewhere too, kindly draw my attention to it and I will make the necessary corrections. The festival has just started. I heard of it on our national television during a news section. This may take a while for it to end. Anyone who wants to have a feel of this year’s Homowo festival can come around in due time. You are always welcome.

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