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Newbies initiative task #8:Engagement builds you connection.

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Newbies initiative task #8:Engagement builds you connection.

To be more sincere,I have really missed a lot and it because of a lot of offline activities that has kept me out ,so I decided to write my taks #8 newbies post ,I was present during the meeting but unfortunately I am doing my task late.I am truly sorry about that ,now let's go straight to the task .

The Hive Newbies Initiative programme is really helpful, in my opinion. I constantly look forward to our weekly meetings because I know I always have a lot to learn. This project has also helped me a lot on Hive and allowed me to interact with a lot of people.

In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to my mentor for introducing me to this initiative. I would not tag you because I know you will see this, but I have been able to write more than I was before the initiative. I have a lot of testimony from this initiative, so I'm glad to be a part of it.

Sunday's meeting began at precisely 8 p.m., with @starstrings01 serving as our host. @depressedfuckup @vickoly @nkemakonam89 served as our tutor for the day. I would like to extend my congratulations to everyone who has helped us since the start of this initiative and say thank you very much for your efforts; I never take you for granted.

Task for this week

Talk about some strategies for creating enduring relationships on Hive, providing real-world examples from your experience along with screenshots.
There are a lot of ways to connect on Hive, but the best way is through engagement. If someone engages on my post twice and I don't recognise them, it's because they are not engaging on my posts well. I have made a lot of connections on Hive through engagement. I recall being confused about the zing token and not knowing how to use it. I came across a post by a user who promised to help, and ever since then, we have been engaging on each other's posts.

Through the community discord channel and this initiative, I have met a lot of people who can always get me through when the roads on Hive are blocked. I am happy that I have so many connections on the discord channel and that they are like family to me. This is another way that we can connect on Hive.

Through the Zealy campaign, I was able to connect with other Hive users on Twitter and establish new relationships. This helped me learn more about Hive and connect with some of the amazing folks on Hive.

This is the Hive friend I got through Twitter and Uyobong has been a good mentor on Hive since we connected on Twitter through Zealy campaign

Make at least 4 meaningful and detailed comments on people’s posts, and create a conversation out of the post.

I always love to make good comments on people's posts, comments that always flow with the user's write-up, not just a comment of sympathy, I love to engage with meaningful comments.

This is my response to this user who showed how to import frames into a thumbnail by using the element tool on Canva

What is the difference between this type of detailed engagement and short comments like “nice post”?

I referred to a brief comment as a "sympathy comment" since you feel compelled to express your opinion about other people's posts. In my opinion, it is preferable to leave a post uncommented rather than to comment in that manner on another user's post because doing so will always restrict your ability to use Hive.

Because you are the kind that takes the time to read through other people's posts and make important comments, as opposed to the other way around, detailed involvement will always draw more users to your blog. Excellent post, keep it up.

What is something new that you’ll start doing now to connect with people and make friends on Hive?

I'll work harder to comment on other people's posts and make sure to regularly attend community hangouts. By doing these things, I'll meet more people and expand my network both domestically and internationally. I'll also make sure to consistently show up for Discord meetings and offer my assistance to others whenever I can.

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