Weekly Featured Contents Edition 01 : [ Adult Life (Good thing & Bad thing) ]

Good morning all friends, especially to all who are members of #hivelearners which I am proud of. According to the voting results in the discord chat last night and the topics chosen in edition-1, namely:

Adult Life (Good thing & Bad thing)

As a child, we all had big plans growing up for what our adult life would be like. Some of us may get that dream life, but circumstances don't allow many others to have that opportunity. So tell us one thing you love and enjoy about your adult life and one thing you wish you could change if you had the power.

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Becoming an adult is something that is absolute, everyone will feel like being an adult just waiting for when it will happen to us, for me adulthood doesn't always measure age, I found a lot of people who have a small age but have thoughts and responsibilities like adults , it was all due to circumstances that made him mature faster than his age. Maturity we get when our mindset changes by itself from what used to be just playing but suddenly we learn what to do for the future with dreams that have been planted since childhood and he has been able to choose what is good to see and what is not. good to do.

But in becoming an adult there are two things that must always be side by side, namely the good and the bad.

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The good thing about being an adult is that we are freer in many ways. good in making choices and decisions, however, every choice we make we must be prepared for what will happen and be ready to take responsibility, freedom has so many great meanings, but that does not mean we are free to do evil and others that harm others, it not fall into the category of being a good adult. and what I like about being a good adult like now is that I can determine which choices I have to make for the way of life going forward. but the little amount of freedom we get will make us happy.


Like the choice I made some time ago, which was to choose a woman for me to be my wife and to accompany my whole life together, for me this is a big step and responsibility that I have taken to make my little family happy, not everyone dares to make a decision. this is with my age which is still relatively young for men, namely 27 years, many out there are older and more successful but to take this decision he has not dared, maybe before I did not have such a big responsibility but now I will bear the burden of all that, whatever I will do, of course the main goal is to make my little family and my parents happy.


A few days ago I tried to take my wife to a place that has been dreaming of since we were dating and only now can I make it happen and my goal is so that she can be free from various kinds of housework that every day will definitely make her bored, my goal is quite It's simple now that I can see my wife smiling every day whatever I will do and I really enjoy my life now because I have someone who understands and is always beside whatever the situation is.

Apart from the good things of being an adult, of course there will be bad things that are always side by side, no matter what the conditions are, good things are always on the side of bad things.

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One of the bad things about being an adult in my opinion is the economy / work because I have a family where the responsibilities and expenses are so big because on the one hand until now I have not found a suitable job for me to be able to support my small family, that's always something I think about it and I continue to strive so that I can always give happiness to them even though the work is so hard, so until now I have not been able to make my parents proud of what I can achieve in the sense of the word until now success has not been on my side , maybe this does not apply to everyone, destiny in everyone's life has been determined and is different.

One thing you wish you could change if you had the power.

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I don't know what I would change if I had the strength and opportunity, This has crossed my mind after what happened to me when I was a teenager, After the unfortunate incident that happened that made one of my limbs broken there I am very sorry for everything The dream that I have planted since childhood I have to die in my memory it feels like life is so hard after it happened. if i have the power i just want to go back in time where i didn't do that at the time so i can achieve all the dreams i planted since childhood.

I am aware because all of that will never come back and regrets that I always remember until now, however, I still have to live for the future with new dreams and hopes so that I can make my parents, wife and people around me happy.

For today's adulthood there is nothing that I have to change even though I have the opportunity to do so, because for me everything I get now is the greatest gift in life, whatever happens I am proud and happy with my adult life now. I believe that everything that happens in life has a wisdom and a way out, because God will not visit someone's life beyond the limits of his ability.

This is all I can write on the topic edition: -1 I hope that what I write can be useful, hopefully there are mistakes I apologize for my lack of knowledge in taking some good words. I really hope for comments from all of my friends so that it adds insight for me to write in future posts, my best regards @vikar

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