Five Reasons I love Hive

The importance of hive and the value it as added into the lives of many can never be overemphasized, personally hive as been a channel of blessings to me in many ways, and am sure there are several other people who can attest to the blessings of hive in there lives, and assuming I was asked to write 10 reasons why I love hive, am certain I'll have enough to write about it, but before i proceed into the sharing the five Reasons I love hive, I'll love to say a happy 2nd birthday to hive blockchain🎂.


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I got to know about this writing Challenge from @princessbusayo when I read her entry and reasons why she love hive, I then make an enquiry about the Challenge from her, and she was of great help in guiding me through.
So without further ado, let dive into the;


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To put it simply, financial security means having enough money to fund your lifestyle, as well as work toward your financial goals.
-Rachel Cautero

The above definition is exactly what hive as made me enjoy, Before I met Hive, I'm the type of guy who runs around from one job to another, and as well from one craft training to another, all because of the fear of the unknown and the lack of financial security, I'm always afraid about where I'll get the money to survive tomorrow if I spend the ones I've now.

But ever since I joined hive, and start earning in diverse ways and being previlege to read and learn from financial guru in the @leofinance Community, my life as experience a drastic change, and now I don't live fear anymore, because I've now learn how to properly manage my offline income and as well have peace of mind whenever I behold my assets on the blockchain, and this is one of the major reason I love hive so much.

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Hive as given me the previlege and platform to advertise my craft online, and as well the possibility of getting international visibility and awareness of my skills, before I met Hive, my skills and majorly showcase offline at my store, and when I post on Facebook, it's still only my friends who tend to appreaciate, compliment or patronise me, I had zero international visibility then.

But ever since I met Hive, my craft as been widely known and complimented around the globe, though I've not had anyone patronise me from outside my country, but I've acquired new customers from hive, that reside in my country, and like you see this is a real blessing for me and am sure excited and love hive for the previlege.

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Being an introvert as really affected how much friends I made, due to the fact that I hardly talk and my love for solidarity, but ever since I joined hive I've been able to discover a new version of me who communicate at length, and engage passively with others but offline and online, some of the people I get to know on hive and could boldly refers to them as friends are @monica-ene @queenstarr @femcy-willcy @dswigle @prechidi @peterale and @emeka4 to mention but few.

Also offline, I've acquired new friends via my bid to get exposure and knowledge about things, which will aid the Quality of things I share here.

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Ever since I joined hive, I've been privileged to learn different craft and cooking recipes which I know nothing about how it's been done before I met Hive, examples of some of the craft I've learn here via people's post are;

  • Pizza recipe
  • Carrot Cake recipe
  • Chicken rearing techniques
  • Graphics Design with Canva

To mention but few, and I've put each and every one of it into practice at one point or another, and it's been a life saver in term of the amount of money I would have spent in acquiring those skills, I'm forever grateful to hive for the opportunity.

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Before I joined hive, I've been into writing of content on my Facebook page, but my articles are just plain without any form of attraction or something to spice it up, but ever since I joined hive, my writing skills as gradually improve daily.


I recently joined the @newbies-hive initiative, which is in collaboration with @hive-learners Community and organized by @theycallmedan @starstrings01 @aliento @projectmamabg and @mistural and I've since the initiative started, I've continually learn one of two new stuff per day on hive, @mistural as greatly been of help in thoroughly explain how markdowns is been used and its importance in contents writing, as it'll enhance the beauty of your article and make it attractive for viewers to read.

For this I'm really grateful, to hive and I can boldly say I AM IN LOVE WITH HIVE.

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Once again I'll celebrate everyone and say happy birthday to hive, let do exploits together and make the world a better place.

Appreciation to @hiveio for instituting this Challenge.

Now over to you, yes you👉

  • What are the Reasons why you love hive?

Share your opinions in the comments section or also join the Challenge and write about your reasons in any Community of your choice.

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Thanks for checking out my blog post, if you want to know who @vickoly is😉, I'm a shoemaker, who is also into fashion designing and other related craft, to know more about me you can check out my Introduction post on hive, thanks once again, have a blessed and productive day ahead 🥰🥰.
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