This week feature topic gave an insight to what the world at large is going through in terms of youth involvement in criminal activities, and when such act is found in the hands of those who ought to be the leaders of tomorrow, that mean the hope of the world future is in impoverished if nothing is done to curb the act before it get out of hands.


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It's so disheartening when you look into the world today, and see the kind of evil and criminal activities youth got involved in, and it's even more worst when you realise that the society celebrate this act because of the peanut they get from this youth, and thereby forget the ambiguous damage they did to attain that status or accumulate the assets they own.

Before I dive into my opinion and response to the topic for this edition, if you are interested in sharing your thoughts and how it could be rectify, then read through the topic below, and make sure to use the appropriate tags and as well share your post into the hivelearners Community.

A lot of youths these days find themselves committing crimes for various reasons known to them. From peer pressure to just the basic need to survive... What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think crime among the youths has been on the increase? And what ways do you think they can be stopped?



Over the years there as been different reasons why your involve themselves in criminal activities, but below I'll be sharing few I can easily relate with as regarding the once I saw around me.


The first and major causes of our children and youth growing up to become a nuisance to the community is poor parenting and guidance, family is the bed rock of where the society emanate from, just for a broader explaination, I'll love to quote Proverb 22 : 6 in the Bible, which says;

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.


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When you fail to train, guide and teach a child what's right from what's wrong from their tender age, and as well lead by example in your own character as a parent/guidance, then have if at the back of your mind that you're grooming a criminal in the making.

You can't give what you don't have, a child whose parents fail to caution when he or she exibit some back manners or behaviour, won't see anything bad in such act a when he/she grows up.


After the family the next stop for most child and youth is their peer group, and overtime the influence of peer group in the behaviour of a child can never be overemphasized.

Every child and youth wants to go out and have a good time with their peer group, and in those situations, the actions of the kind of friends they keep can greatly influence their behaviours, either via them convince such child to try out what they are doing, or the the child themselves trying out such out themselves out of curiosity.


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Another way peer group as lead youth into being involved in criminal activities, is the disgrace and resentment they don't want to feel when among their rich and well to do friends, and when all legit business fail to yield income, you'll see such youth getting involved in criminal activities like stealing, cyber crime or ritual.


It's so disheartening when you grow up as a youth, after studying in various academic level and finally graduated, but then you toy around the street from one organisation to another with the hope of securing a job, but in the end you couldn't get any.

The frustration that that comes from being unemployed despite all your efforts goes a long way in affecting the reasoning of most youth, and the thought that plays out in the mind of an idle person doesn't most likely goes well, like they common say that an idle hand is the devil's workshop.


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So via being out of job, in involve in any reasonable activities that earn you money, and seeing your peer group excelling, as lead many youth to get their hands dirty in criminal activities.


In order to curb this criminal act, so the world won't become a shadow of itself and in the process become desolate if this activities continue, then something, rules and implementation need to be put in place so our society can know peace and become safe for everyone once again.

And the following are my options on what should be done in other to curb criminal act among youth and the Community at large.

  • Parent should do their best in raising their children in the right way, and as well let them no the implications of being involved in criminal related activities, and let I said earlier, the family is the bed rock of the society, so they kind of children you groom, is the type kids that'll grow out to influence in imbibe what they've learn to the community.

And once such is corrected in all families, then there won't be fear of having a bad friends or peer group influencing our youth.

  • The government should on the part, put in place a fair judiciary system that punish anyone involve in criminal related activities, no matter their status or reputation in the society, a fair rule of law will lead to having a law abiding citizens who knows they'll be punish for their evil act, without having a means of bribing their way out of being punished.

The government should also create job opportunity that's enough to accommodate everyone seeking employment, which doesn't necessarily have to be a white collar job, offering grant to business owners, small scale businesses and skills acquisition industry will go a long way in minimize criminal activities among our youth.

These are my opinion on what institute criminal activities among the youth and how it can be curb, be then we can discuss extensively in the comments section if you have a thing or two to add or correct about my opinion.

Thanks for coming with me thus far, have a blessed and productive new week ahead.

Greetings from @vickoly

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