Unlocking the Secrets of Exam Success: Tips and Tricks for Acing Your Tests/Exams



Schools days was really fun and tense especially when it come to some particular course as a clinical science student because they expect us to read and complete all course outline ahead of our lecturer. At times I do wonder why they want use to keep reading all the time when the real world out there isnt about books alone. I was studying physiology which is one of the basic medical science department ( we have pharmacology, biochemistry and anatomy), my department course were simple and very straight forward, we always read and understand but the fact that we have to take some course from other department make it really tough. I really don't like anything relating to chemistry which make biochemistry hard for me, and anatomy questions can murdered someone especially their mcq.

In university days, it is not a good idea to walk alone ( one man army), no matter how good you are, you still need your peers around you. It is always I and my female friend, we literally do everything together even till reading part and we are good in our own ways. We meet in 100 level, we somehow clicked and since we are in the same department, it was way easy for us to be together. In class, I really don't have complete notes, as a guy, we are somehow lazy to write but my bestie note is always complete, so when it come to reading time, I do read from her note if I'm not using the textbooks and I always have where I do jot and summarise what I read



Tricks We Use When Preparing For Exams/Test

We weren't really bothered about test that much because most of our lecturers do use our attendance and assessment to fill the test part but when it comes to exam, we had to formulate some tricks to make it way easier for us. First of all, we make sure we have the whole course outline written down somewhere, then both of us we share the topics among ourselves, so I read my share while she read her part. Every week, we make sure we read a whole topic, meet at her house and lecture each other on what we read. It was way easier and we get to complete the outline that way. We also try to gather every past questions we can come across on every courses, the same level but different year, after getting those pass questions, we analyse it, pick out the most asked questions ( that is one of our Area of concentration) because it is possible they ask them again, but we make sure we can answer all the questions we come across.

At some point, when it is getting tougher, we insert the La cram La pour, la forget techniques, we cram it, we write it the way we cram it then we forget about it (easy peasy). We have lot of techniques but I just cant say everything in this post, before I even forget, the important part is our formation during the exam period. We always have a group of readers, we read separate, then come together before the exam time to assimilate and we always make sure we aren't far from each other when writing the exam, so we have the triangle/rectangle sitting, we sit in a way that even if the lecturer reshuffles everyone, it will still be in within that zone so we can feed each other incase we forget anything or not able to answer some particular questions. School was really fun

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