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travel to tourist attractions


Hello all friends

Tonight I will share a little story about our journey to a place where the place is a place that can bring the mind very calm and the location if from where we are very far friends
Sawang Krueng Mane is one of the most visited tourist attractions on every Sunday, we and our friends visited the place, namely the tourist attractions I mentioned earlier.
On our long trip to that place, we mean that all of our friends really enjoyed a trip that was so fun and on the way we also took some photos for us to show our friends hive to see our journey to the location of Sawang Krungmane, after a fairly tiring journey for all of us finally stopped to rest at a shop and after resting for a few minutes and the tiredness disappeared and we went back on our way straight to our destination

And it turns out that the place we are going to is very interesting, friends, the air around it is very cool and so makes the mind very calm, there are friends who visit this place bathing while joking and laughing happily

Sawang krungmane turns out to be a river that is made into a tourist spot and many people visit every day of the week but for now we are visiting not that Sunday so the other visitors are not visible and we also don't take many photos of other visitors, only we capture just our photos









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