Photography hairy caterpillar on a wildflower


Good evening hive friends...

In tonight's post I will share a little of my knowledge about a hairy caterpillar that I found and has managed to decorate my post tonight.
A hairy caterpillar is a caterpillar that can cause extraordinary itching if the silky hair of the caterpillar touches our skin and looks normal with its fine fur, it turns out the effect is extraordinary and dangerous but not for animals because animals have fur too which can protect their skin and is very very different from our human skin
A beautiful caterpillar that has quite an attractive color looks to be on a branch of wild grass and it looks like this wild tree has no leaves because it has been eaten by this hairy caterpillar, it turns out that the caterpillar is also very fast in the process of how to eat it in an instant he has finished the wild leaf no residue at all
This caterpillar has a lot of legs and toenails are also very sharp and pointy, I saw this strange animal a little bit goosebumps with the shape and everything on the body of this animal makes us afraid to approach it

Caterpillars like this fur are a little sparse and look long but the color is beautiful but even though it has a beautiful color we will not be attracted because this animal is very funny and disgusting
I took some photos of this caterpillar from a distance because I felt so disgusted with this animal, and for the position of the picture I took that a caterpillar was easy because he would not fly away but to approach him we were just a little scary, and I have also taken some easy positions, such as pointing my cellphone camera through the front of its face, then on the right and left sides and finally on the back and don't forget to also at the top of the caterpillar's back to make it look more perfect the color and shape of its posture that looks unique









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