Spice has taste, hardness lasts

I was astonished when I read that only 2 months are remaining to finish 2024. It was not too far away when I was writing on Hive about my resolutions for this year. Now it’s the 10th month and many of them are still pending. Days pass like seconds and years as days. Life is heading towards an end so promptly that one wonders what is the motive of so many strives and tensions. The wheel of life is unstoppable and I don’t think whether it was like this for centuries or is it just now that life is passing like glimpses of a movie. And the more a person thinks over this, the more he is surrounded by horrific (but realistic) thoughts.

Many ones have made resolutions about this year as did I and some of them might have been remaining unfulfilled as well. There were many resolutions I made as well like increasing my vocab, finding an alternative source of income, making a habit of daily reading, reducing weight making my body fit, and many more. I was able to fulfill some resolutions I made and many others are pending.

I have not yet entered that phase of life when I have to make hard decisions or any do-or-die situation. My daily tasks are not very significant except my studies. Passing pharm. d with 77% aggregate could be my achievement of this year but this was a journey of five years and could not be included exclusively in this year’s tasks. Apart from this, many unfulfilled tasks are yet to be completed by the end of this year or till the start of next year. I have yet to enter my practical life officially (though unofficially I have). Let me share with you the hardest task which I was able to fulfill this year.


I have been on Hive since September 2022 but despite my love for writing and blogging, I couldn’t pay much attention to my account. Even till the end of 2023, I was writing randomly without much caring about basic protocols. I wanted to increase my blog count but my studies and daily routine were not allowing me to do so. But from the start of 2024, I was committed that I would improve my performance this year. I wanted to raise my hp to 600 but I couldn’t do that still I have fulfilled my task of 100 posts. It was an arduous task for me from 25 posts in 1.5 years to 100 posts in a year.

I am hoping to complete my task of 600 hp as well or otherwise I want pass 500 figure atleast. I do not know whether I can do that or bot with 2 months in hand but I am free these days so I will try my best to publish as much quality posts as I could. And for this reason I have brought vastness in my topics and communities of posts. Now I publish arts, I write fictional and non fictional writings and cover wonderfull topic alloted by @hivelearners.

Life is still pending to face many hard times, take tough decisions and fulfill arduous task but it is just commitmment and firmness that can bring you to success in every field of your life.

This is my blog for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w134e1.

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