Is “Riyasat e Madina”,slogan or an ambition?

The easiest way to ignite up sentiments of public is by challenging their beliefs especially nationalistic and religious. In pakistan, religion card has always bought many customers whether it is to lynch someone, or to bring some social reforms or to unite the nation for specific cause. The clause “ Riyast e Madina” is very familiar among Pakistani flocks these days. Many think that this idea has recently arisen because someone popular has excessively used this term in his harangue speeches. This clause, the idea of this clause, and the notion behind it have deep routes and have been used on many occasions in the same term or with alternative terms. Let us divulge the background of this word in the history of Pakistan.


It was in 1917 during Khilafat Movement when the Islamic scholars first participated in the politics of subcontinent after the decline of Mughal empire. Between this time they were busy instigating people against the British, boycotting the reforms and discoveries of Goorrey Sb, and constraining the people to just religious studies. Khilafat movement laid the foundation for the idea of making a state like Riyast e Madina.

Muslim league though founded in 1906 and was in the hand of the charismatic personality of Jinnah could not perform well in the 1937 general elections. At this moment some pioneer of the Muslim league alternated their strategy of politics by linking their every step towards Islam and Muslims. Muslim League was not only a Muslim political party at that time but what distinguished it from others was its concept of state like “Riyast e Madina” for Muslims and its dynamic, charismatic, and heroic personality like Jinnah.

By referring the quotations of Jinnah, which were more political maneuvers than religious sentiments, Islamists formulated the objective resolution in 1949 in a way to make Pakistan state like “Riyasat e Madina”

The term “Riyast e Madina “was first used by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto although he, himself was a secular person like Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The motive behind his usage of this word was also to legitimize its rule, unite his flocks, and extend his political career. The same was the reason why he (unwillingly ) enacted the laws regarding the Ahmadi community.

Zia, a dictator also knew the secret of this nation and made religion his major shield and protracted his regime by enforcing stringent measures strengthening the role of Islamic scholars, and saints and promoting madrassah culture to make this state like a Madina.

And no one was more shrewd than IK, who in recent years gave Islamic touch to his politics. With the harangue speeches and Islamic touch politics, he succeeded in making many blind and cult followers.


Riyasat e Madina:

The idealistic state and governance system introduced by Venerated Muhammad (PBUH) in Madina is known as Riysat e Madina. That state system possess much profound reverence not only among Muslims but many political philosophers have also applauded that governance system. Through his leadership and trustworthy personality he gave identity and way of living to uncivilized Arabs. The salient features of Riysat e Madina were:

Rule of law
Right to live,honor and freedom
Security of wealth,life and dignity
Social reforms and teachings
Promotion of education
Respect of citizens
Ethical principles.
Treaties and Pacts

It was due to inclusion of all these feature that a state formed which became examplary for many nations of that time. There was no pompuous redundance,inequality and disrespecr. The state he formed provided shelter to both Muslims and non-muslims. Whether in war or in peace, in prosperity or in droughts, or in brawls or in consensus, he set principles to comply with .

Is Riysat e Madina ,slogan or an ambition?

Far before of its formation till now, one thing that always remained top priority in their manifestos for all the policymakers and stakeholders , was structuring a Riyasat e Madina. But is the state we are having now is like Riyasat e Madina. Do citizens enjoy equality, protection for life and dignity and justice here? Does the state provides every due right to its citizen and is not involved in any violation? Is the state an emodiment of ethics ,morality, socialty and principles. Can we say that state honors dignity and opinion of citizens? The answer to all these questions present a despondent picture.

From the start the term Riyasat e Madina is just used to gain populrity, legitimize the illegal rule, suppress the voices against atrocities and to bamboozle the innoccent religious flocks. This clause is used as slogan to give islamic touch . The appalling and horrible consequences of this sloganeering is igniting the extremism. Leaving far behind the true essense of that idealistic governance system, a modified ,violating and extremist version of it has been formed by ill and wickedminded persons who exploited the religion card by playing with the sentiments of common man.

Above are my personal opinion. You may disagree . Let me know about your opinion.

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