Glorification of hooligans


One who considers that movies , dramas and documentaries do not exert any noticeable effect on our personality and these media plays are just for fun and amusement , is absolutely wrong. They exert very significant effect on our personality and modify our mindset according to their story. Action movies specially of south bollywood where a hero throws his enemy miles away just by his punch, seems to be funnier but in longer extent it is the cause of aggressive atmosphere. Promoting the gun culture and showing gun as flex has caused the more love for gun than that of pen in current generation.
The comedy plays go below the belt to make audience and viewers, laugh.

In all this scenario, the amusement and fun factor is replaced by depression , despair and aggression. Though our parents say that these are not movies , these are just vulgar content and movies were in our times but exploring the movies of their time was not less astonishing experience as well. As traces of illogical actions, breaking of law pf physics, typical family dramas, vulgarity and nudity and foremost of all homosexuality is also found there. So , I wondered how the movies of their time was better. Well , its not the debate.

Many debate that movies are just media plays,a source of fun, enjoyment and killing leisure time and they can’t induce any changes in your personality. It depends on personality and mindset of person how he perceives it and what does he extract from it . The beauty and evil both lies in eyes and mind of viewers, they argue. According to them, foolish are those who learn anything from movies or who get affected by it because the chances of it are very meagre.But they are not right.

In all the movies, hero is the most sacred and loving soul and what does he do , is conidered as essential. We see many heroes in movies,taking law into their hands and spreading public violence. A hero instead of believing in law and law enforcing stakeholders , delivers his own piece of justice whether in the form ransoming, mass killing or hijacking and all of his acts are glorified in such a way that public finds no flaws in his acts .


Indeed, due to attachement of sentiments, he gets applausimagees for doing wrong to curb wrong which doesn’t make any sense.
Gangestrism and hoodlums are being exalted by showing them very compassionate. Their illegal usurption , trafficking and businesses are brandised by showing their keen love for lower segments. They are shown to keep support of flocks against the tyrannical law enforcers.

Not just crime but many unethical messages are also spread out through them. A womaniser is glamoured as love maker, a sexist is shown as rightist , every character of family is tarnished by showing negative images of it , cheating is justified as needs , thieves and dacoits are made heroes and real heroes who try to protect state by enforcing laws are shown as villians.

I might not have confessed the profound effects lasted by movies on human mind unless I have also suffered the psychological trauma by one of them. In recent times , I watched a web series “Bombay Begamz” and the story of it shocked me and left be with a state of despair. Surrounded by plenty of questions, I was getting depressed day by day unless I stopped thinking about that series anymore and switched to another. Just like books do, movies also affect the pyschy of humans and exert noticeable effect on it.

There is dire need for proper censor board who must vigilantly ponder over all the aspects in which the movie to be played in public , can affect the society. I possess a conservative mindset and I believe any such movies , drama or plays which glorfies bandits and rogues, promote unlawfullness and dilapidate the basic family and societal structure, should be put on complete embargo.

This is my blog for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w132e3.

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