Isn't Equality What We Are All Fighting For? Either in Finance or elsewhere

'Equality' a word that is fondly used depending on how it pleases them. This is one of the few words widely taken advantage of by the young, old, beautiful, normal-looking, the rich or the poor, the smart, and the not-so-smart. Everyone of different calibers tries to twist this singular word into their perfect use. Why is that you may ask, well, you can simply put that MAN IS SELFISH. Selfish in the sense that they only care about if it is favorable to them in that exact situation and the day it isn't, they discard the idea. I am not saying this theoretically but have witnessed it in so many places, I also, I'm guilty of this but I try to understand the situation before I jump on it nowadays.

If this post's main purpose was to talk about equality in general, trust me I have a lot to talk about. But sadly, it is a prompt from the hive-learners community and is limited to the rich and the poor. In as much as it is also a very long topic for discussion to chew on, I will be very brief and avoid stepping on some toes.

In simple terms, the topic that we will be discussing is "Should the Wealthy Be Charged More On Tax". So, let us dive into the main topic of discussion.

Recently, I saw a meme online it was a meme about a poor man complaining to God about why would he make him poor and the other rich. He kept on complaining and finally, he was attended to. God made both of them poor and gave them a particular skill and I think the same amount of money. In the end, the poor ended up working for the rich man as the rich man ended up establishing himself. The reason for telling this story is that most of the people that we see who are wealthy were once upon a time at the same level as the poor but they made a smart move and it paid out. I'm sure if it didn't work out then they won't just give up like that.

The rich do everything possible to be at the spot where they are without anyone coming to their rescue. In as much as tax is a mandatory contribution levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity, I feel strongly that the government should not be partial in making policies regarding tax. To my understanding (I'm not an economist), I feel that there should be a fixed amount for tax allocation. A flat percent rate of the total amount gotten from your business should sent as tax revenue. This will be so fair to both the SMEs and the top companies.

Currently, big establishments are leaving my country because of this same reason. The government is making policies that are seriously affecting their finances and remember that no one comes into business just to dash it out to everyone. I pray they stop thinking about their selfish interests and think about the citizens and the establishments.
As I conclude, a follow-up question is "Who should pay tax?" and (are the politicians paying tax)?.

Untill we meet again,
Keep buzzing 🐝🐝🐝


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