Time Mismanagement

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After my exams almost about two weeks ago I had to go back home to my family, all I just wanted to do was sleep sleep and sleep but this want possible has I had my responsibilities , my kids have been at my parents place for over two weeks , every now and then my husband kept calling, because he missed me, same with the kids too, I missed them too, but I had to write exams.

Coming back was like coming back to the life I left before exam started, my offline duties were there so were my hive duties, I had to shuffle everything back to meet up. When I came home that Friday I had to do a lot of house cleaning as there was nobody to do it and I couldn't sleep in a dirty house, after moping , washing and cleaning for hours, I finally had some rest before I went to pick the kids from my parents hous, I Came back home with the children late that Saturday afternoon, prepared their uniform and also their church clothes for Sunday, and everything was done. I was tired but I needed to keep going as these were things that needed to be done. We came back from church that Sunday's and I was extremely tired to the call. I still did my duties because there was no one to do them.

Sunday night we all went to bed with my hope of waking up at least 6am so I could prepare the kids for school, well that was a lie, I slept in, I woke up around past seven and nothing was done yet I was so mad at myself, I quickly rushed to the kitchen and starter preparing the children meal, along the line I noticed the gas was running out. I quickly dashed out to fill the gas, in hope that i was going to see where to fill it, this was a mistake I shouldn't have knowing fully well that there was no way I could get it filled, I wastes another 30minutes searching for a place to fill it at the end of the day I went back home with nothing, the kids were still sleeping.

I should have bathe and prepared them first before found in search of gas, at the end of the day they ended up taking cold water tea and bread, around 8:30am I was walking them to school , they were beyond late, I was feeling somehow while I was taking them to school, people were even asking me what they were late, I didn't have a proper answer for them.

Had it been i had prepared them before going in search of gas I wouldn't have been so late to take them to school.i had mismanaged my time and made the kids go late to school, I actually had a eating from their head mistress, as she said it was wrong to bring kids to school when already the first period was already going on. I apologized to her and told her what happened and she understood and asked I don't bring them to school late again.

This is my response to the hive learners' prompts

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