Subtracting The Bad And Adding The Needed.

They say that education is the best legacy, this is so true and that is why we see a lot of parents who do want their kids to go to school, I can say that it isn't easy training a person or a child to school but it is mandatory if you want the best for that person.
Now let's leave kids, why do you think adults go back to school? Why do you think they go back to start from where they might have stopped? Well, this is mostly because education is the key to success and with education comes relief and pride to every individual.

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We look at the Nigerian education system we nod our heads to the level at which they are operating, I read one of the members' post @nkemakonam89 , and she made mentioned of doing away with incompetent teachers, which I definitely do agree with her, those who don't know the basis of teaching shouldn't be allowed to walk in to a teaching premises.

I have two experiences with incompetent teachers, the first one was in my first year in a tertiary institution and the second one was just last semester when we concluded, that these teachers teach critical courses but are unable to give very good teaching and whenever they come to class I just get very angry because it's so annoying when you don't understand what has been taught for over two hours of standing for a course.

I support the motion of these kinds of teachers to be removed from a school or educational setting, it's not everybody that should teach and so they shouldn't stress themselves but find another profession to venture into.


In my secondary school days, we had a lot of teachers and some which were extra good in their field while others were manageable, if I were to add something to the educational sector, it would be adding the use of gadgets, many of us paid for computer studies but we were only taught theory and the bills for computer learning was always added to our fee, which I call cheating.

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If I had the power to make it mandatory for all schools to make sure their students are computer-literate before they finish up their high school year, school authorities should see to the enabling of students to know how to type effectively, how to use some tools like Excel, Words, CorelDraw, Powerpoints, the knowledge of this would help them go far in any field of choice they decided to go for, and even when waiting for admission they can use this knowledge to work in a good place for a short while, so they wouldn't be idle or join bad companies.

By adding this to the educational system, helps the knowledge of the students and also the educational system at large. I have seen a lot of people who can not use the computer, especially during the time we do have exams and it is a CBT exam (Computer Based Test) many students are always lost, and some call for help just because they aren't familiar with a computer and this is not a good thing, mostly because we are in a computer age, where it is very necessary to have the knowledge.

I know that many people do go for the class after their high school, which shouldn't be so, it ought to have been taught before they left there. I hope that this can be implemented to help students and also the right teachers for the job should be employed.

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