
Good morning everyone, it a happy Tuesday from this side, and another contest to write about again😊, this edition is the week 2 edition 2 , and the topic is

     #"Although white marriages and court marriages are practiced the same all over the world, traditional marriages are different for everyone. Tell us how it is done in your tribe. We want to know"#

Traditional marriages in my tribe is always a fun one cause there are a lot of things to be done and steps to take before the date is being selected for the marriage. First when a man and a woman decides to get married, the lady introduces the man to her parent first, then the parent asks the man to come with his people (that is his family ) for what we call introduction. So when they come together for the introduction there's always food and drinks and then they asks the woman if she is ready to get married to the man, and also the man pays his respect to the girl's family, then from there they pick a date for the wedding after collecting the marriage list.
The marriage list usually consist of things they need the groom and his family to buy as tradition demands, and also it contains the bride price that would be collected from them, so from there they can either negotiate the list , like things they feel is too much or too small , from it they make adjustment , after that they leave and go to start planning for the traditional marriage.


The marriage usually takes place at the home of the bride or a venue of the bride family choice, the ceremony begins with the bride family welcoming the grooms family first and serving them with dishes of their tribe, this usually indicates that the bride would always take care of her husband, after their first meal, they start the celebration ceremony, when it's time for the bride to come out of her room for people to see her , they always make fake brides come out first before bring the real bride, this is usually done for fun and also to test the husband if he really knows the wife he want, finally the bride is ushered in , In a grand style, with women and young ladies all around her dancing and celebrating with her.
Food and drinks are been served at this point, after the bride comes out and dances with the groom, the MC (master of ceremony) will give instructions for the groom to now formally introduce his wife to his parent and then the bride takes drinks to them and offer them to drink and also to her own parents, then the parents pray for their children,
Next the the presentation of the items from the list and the exchange of rings, and cutting of the traditional marriage cake , then dance dance dance.


One thing about traditional marriage ceremony is that people term to twerk it to their own way, for example my own marriage since I got married to a yoruba man , we had an agreement to make our attire a simple one instead of how my own people dress ,I dress as a yoruba bride, so everyone has his or her own way of describing a traditional marriage.

All images are mine from my own marriage😀
Thanks for reading.

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