Designed on canva

I have been so down lately that I had to skip writing this post on the day it actually happened. It saddens my heart to announce that my cousin's Blessing is no more. She died on Saturday 20th May 2023 at 4 am. Her death pained us so much because we believed she would live. She fought so hard to be alive, but GOD understands why he made her pass away.


Blessing was very young and diagnosed with a damaged kidney a few months ago. Her family hoped for a miracle, but it was not to be. She had been in and out of the hospital for weeks, and her condition had declined. Despite the doctors' best efforts, Blessing was unable to make it. Her death leaves her family and friends heartbroken.

She was at Akwa Ibom general hospital for three months, where they asked her to take two pints of blood which cost about 40000 naira. The money donated to her here in my last post was what we used to pay part of the money. We also took out a loan to cover the rest of the hospital bill.

However, she wanted to leave Akwa-Ibom and come to Lagos but her health was something we could not risk as such. Afterward, she was told to go to another hospital, where they said she would need dialysis. We tried to raise more money, but it wasn't enough. This was in Abia state; God still showed favor there as well, and some doctors who saw she was in a critical condition contributed some money to cover her first dialysis payment. In addition, others gave her cash at the hospital.

After the first and second dialysis sessions, she became weaker and weaker. At one point, she said she didn't want to undergo another session. However, they advised her to go for it as it was the best thing for her. She did the third dialysis and became weaker even more, and at every session, she always needed a blood transfusion.

This is her last pictures from after the dialysis

During the third, fourth, and fifth sessions, she could not even stand on her own anymore and had to be carried around. These sessions were very important to us because we really thought that they could save her life. She was always taking the drugs prescribed for her apart from the sessions. This drug cost 4000 naira per dosage and she had to take it for 5-7 days depending on how well she did. Prior to this, when she was admitted there, she was placed on oxygen because she couldn't breathe properly.

After her fifth session, the doctors went on strike. Perhaps this was part of what caused her to lose hope, or she couldn't bear the pain anymore. Or maybe she lost hope after seeing her mother who had supported her become ill and couldn't walk anymore. They called her younger brother and sister to help her. We don't know.

Blessing's last days were quiet. She had to be put in an adult diaper as she couldn't control her bowel movements anymore. +

I still can't believe my cousin is dead, even when I know her corpse is lying in the mortuary right now. It is normal that they buried her on Saturday, the day she died. However, the hospital is yet to finalize the bill due to the fact that they are on strike.

I had asked my aunt how much the bill amounted to before, she mentioned the last time she checked the bill was about 350,000 naira as this was more like the cost for the oxygen and bed space plus the other tests and drugs they had not paid for, the current bill wasn't given before her death.

I am writing this post to seek help for these bills to be paid off so Blessing can finally rest in peace.

We really appreciate everyone who has helped out with Blessing. We appreciate the reblogs, upvotes, and donations sent to help her. Blessing's family was already struggling financially and her medical bills added to the burden. Her passing has left them devastated and they are struggling to pay off the bills. Any help to alleviate this burden would be greatly appreciated.

Please help with your upvotes and reblogs



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