It Is Stressful But We Move

Lately I have been having some home issues that have been stressing me out like crazy. I think it's normal for couples to have issues once in a while in their relationship periods, but if it gets to a point where it starts affecting your mental health, it's important to take a step back and evaluate the situation. It's important to communicate with your partner and try to resolve the issues in a healthy way. This is important because unresolved issues can have a negative impact on both people in the relationship. Stress can cause people to become distant and unresponsive, which can lead to further conflict. It's important to make sure both partners are heard and respected so that the issues can be resolved in a mutually beneficial manner as this is the best option to choose

This is what has been stressing me and neither of us is accepting we are at fault , though we do have an agreement at the end of everything g but still it isn't enough, this is because the trust hasn't been laid down by my partner, he has this insecurity issues that gives me headaches when ever this matter comes up, don't get me wrong , I love my husband, and he also does love me, but whenever this issues come up, I feel like just being alone and just resting somewhere where there is no noise, we have tried to settle our differences so many times but this issues of insecurity keeps coming up.

So I had to do something that I wasn't okay with, but I thought would bring peace. I stopped chatting with some particular sets of people and had to caution my screen time, just so I couldn't be stressed by issues. It's helped to an extent but not fully but it is still better than it was a month ago. I'm trying to take small steps to get better with stress, and I'm hoping to find ways to manage my stress better in the future. I'm also trying to find healthier ways to cope with my emotions and be kind to myself. I'm hoping that these steps will eventually lead me to have some peace which already is taking place.

I just had to have this thought at the back of my mind. "You are going nowhere and it is better to sort out whatever issues might be occurring and that is always stressing me out." I talked to some people who are more experienced than I also said they had to go through this at one point in their life and that I should allow my emotions to overwhelm me in such matters as it may cause so many damages. Truth be told I was having constant headache due to this. I always had to take paracetamol so that I could sleep well.

But thank God now, I am much better at controlling my emotions even when they come up, I don't let it overwhelm me, I try to take things as they go so that I will be stress-free I take time to reflect and understand the situation, then try to find a solution to it. That way, I can avoid rash decisions and the negative emotions that comes with it. I've learned to be more mindful of my reactions and how I handle situations. This has allowed me to be more in control of my emotions and respond in a more rational and positive manner. I have also become more productive and resilient to stress, cause if it continues I am doing my self more harm than good
Overall, I have learned to be more conscious and aware of my emotional state and how it affects my outlook and decisions

Thank you for reading, this is my response to hive learner prompt

image by Anthony Tran

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