Hi everyone welcome once again to my blog, I will be writing on the topic for the weekly Hive learners contests, Edition 1. here is a link to the contest post

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After I finished secondary school, a friend of mine introduced me to a school, he had already taught at the school before, but he left because he gained admission and the school needed staff. So it was a very good opportunity for me because on getting to the school for the interview, I was asked what class I could teach. since it was a combined school of both the secondary and the primary, I told the owner of the school I could take any primary class, so I was taken to the class that didn't have a teacher, which was primary one and two since I loved little kids already it was like the class was vacant just for me, I did my best at teaching the kids for the first time, while the man sat and watched. At the end of the class, I threw in a fun game for the kids which they all liked and were eager to participate in, after some time the owner of the school left the class to attend to other things, he was supposed to tell me to stop if he didn't like the way I taught, but he didn't say anything, so I continued to teach the kids till the close of school for that day.

Everyone went home and I was still in the class with other teachers trying to sort out the pupil's books and arrange the class before going out, then the man came in and asked if I had taught somewhere before I said no, then he told me that in all his years of being a school owner he has never seen someone with so much passion for teaching, and a first timer at that matter, so that was I got the job with any other questions or summiting of an application letter. I continued teaching at the school for more than a year, it was so much fun, until they employed a new principal who was as short as short can be, I was so much taller than this man even when he was so much older than me, it was from his coming that my problem stated.

This man had even been a principal for up to one month, he started sexually harassing me in the school, and because I didn't want to create a scene because the owner of the school had handed everything to him, so he was the one managing everyone, there was no one to report to , so I had to keep calm and just tried my best to get him off my back, at a point, he made it his point of duty to criticize everything I did as if he wanted me to make a mistake so he could fire me.
I had to confide in someone, a fellow teacher and I told her everything that has been going on, but since I wasn't the same tribe as both of them(Yoruba), the lady decided to take sides with him for no reason and made me look like a fool. so I called the owner of the school after I got my last pay and I made an excuse that I was traveling with my parents and that I don't know when I would be back, the man was sad to see me go and I was not happy I was leaving but there was nothing I could in that aspect, I just had to leave to give myself some peace of mind.

Thank God no one knew my house they would have known I lied, just so I could leave, but I didn't have a choice, it was after some time, maybe about six months after I was passing through the school and I saw the owner of the school outside and I went to say Hi to him, before he told me he was short of staffs again, which kinda pained me, cause the two people who made things difficult for me had already left the school, but I couldn't come back there to work because my parent had moved to another place, which was quite far from the school.

it really was painful to me, I had to quit for people who weren't going to last so long on the job, I should have just opened up to the man instead, but was afraid I wasn't going to be believed.

Well, life happens.


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