Three things for my next generation


When I saw this contest, it made me to think, what can be that 3 things that I can pass to my next generation. It was tough as I also wanted to pass not only the beneficial things but memories or an image that can help them to know how I lived. I began to think and the very first thing that came in my mind is was time capsule.


Image source - Dribble

Time capsule is a best things to pass on the objects that not only has some value but like an art, express a lot of information as well. I will be keeping my belongings in it, it can be my watch or my laptop or any object which I often carry with myself in day to day life. I also want to keep books and old vintage coin collections. And the coins will by then turn in to antiques and yield them a good value or atleast a nice fortune.

The second thing is I want to plan a treasure hunt, across the country. All the places that I have visited will contain a clue for the next place and finally they will reach the secret treasure. I am yet to think what I will be keeping in it. May be some precious things like gold coins or ornaments. May be my post card sticker collection or a gaming console. It's again a tough job to think, I don't want to turn them down after country wide hunt and search.

With this treasure hunt, I also want them to go around the country and see the culture, people, their life. I want to give them some moments that they can pass on to their generation. I will make sure to put a link of this blog in the box as well. To let them know that I have been planning this treasure hunt for them from a long time.

Third thing I want to give them is my wallet master address of all the blockchain on which I am having a decent amount of tokens and crypto coins.

These are my plans, let me know your plans in the comments.


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