A First Encounter of the Unexpected


This is my first post for Hive Learners. I will share my story for this week's topic: the first encounter.

I have several close friends. Starting from elementary school to high school, my best friend was my cousin's brother. However, as time passed, my cousin's brother chose another path. Until now, I don't have his contact because he has gone far away from his hometown.

After finishing high school, I left my hometown to study in Banda Aceh, about 280 km from my hometown, Lhokseumawe. While I was at university, the story of my friendship began.

One afternoon in early August 2001, my friend Munawar and I went home on a public bus. When we were in the classroom, we didn't get along very well, probably because we were freshmen and didn't know each other well. But that afternoon, Munawar forgot to bring money. No money was left in his wallet to pay for the public bus fare. He looked panicked. I didn't realize this. Munawar looked around; there was no one he knew except me.

"Mukhlis, can you pay the bus fare for me?" he asked hopefully.

I had a few rupiahs in my wallet at the time. So, it was fine if I paid the public bus fare for him.

"I forgot to bring money. My wallet was empty," Munawar continued with a hopeful expression.

I nodded slowly as I said, "Alright, Munawar! I'll pay you."

The panic on Munawar's face disappeared in an instant. He was cheerful again. Munawar was indeed a cheerful and energetic person. He was also a very smart student. Oh yes, we were studying Arabic Language Education.


Munawar got off at an intersection, and he thanked me profusely.

After that incident, who knew that God would make us both close friends. Munawar kept remembering my services, which I thought were nothing. After many years of college, Munawar first completed his studies. Besides being a student, Munawar was also a teacher at a boarding school.

I was often invited by Munawar to stay at the boarding school. In my third year of university, I experienced financial problems. I needed more than the money sent by my parents because the cost of living was getting more expensive. Fortunately, Munawar understood my situation and invited me to stay at his place.

Munawar also invited me to eat three meals a day for free at the boarding school. So, I was able to save money on food. But I only stayed at his place a few times a week to avoid taking advantage of the situation. In addition, Munawar also taught me a lot of difficult subjects, such as Qawa'id and Balaghah.

My classmates saw us as close as brother and sister. Munawar was older than me. After finishing college, we had to go our separate ways.

I am now teaching at a junior high school in my hometown since 2019. Munawar is still in Banda Aceh. He also teaches at several schools. I am now married and have three sons. Munawar is also married and has three daughters.

Although we are far away, we still communicate with each other. Even in our alumni group, we often revisit stories from our college days.

My first meeting with Munawar on a public bus has helped my life. Munawar helped me a lot when I was experiencing financial difficulties during my third year of university. In addition, Munawar has also contributed to my knowledge, as he has taught me some discussions I needed help understanding. Thank you, Munawar. You deserve to be my close friend until now.

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