The Perfect Movie? ... Shirley you Jest!

(Image created with the help of ChatGPT and Dall-E)

The perfect movie just like the perfect woman -- Doesn't Exist.

If you were to ask 100 men who the most beautiful woman in the world was then you would probably get 100 different answers.

However, if you were to ask 100 men on their wedding day who the most beautiful woman in the world was you would likely only get ONE answer.

Their Bride.

That's important for two reasons:

  1. They are telling the truth and
  2. They are both right and wrong at the same time!

Their bride is the most beautiful person in the world -- TO THEM. For everyone else, the bride is likely to be attractive but not the best.

But how does that relate to movies?

The Best Movie is subjective

I've loved watching movies since I was young and that was a long time ago. I remember watching a blockbuster movie and hearing these words :

"Great Shot kid, that was one in a million"

I remember the crowd cheering and it was an awesome experience.

Perhaps you recognize this movie.


Now if you asked me at the time was that the greatest movie ever, I probably would have said yes. Ask me now and I'll say no. Great movie, but no.

Fast forward a decade when I'm in High School. I remember vividly a wonderful scene from a different movie. Perhaps the words aren't exactly right but....

"Mark doesn't want you..
.... he wants me because I'm sweet, pure, and innocent
.... so back off bitch!"

If you were to look at the overal rating of the movie you'd think it was awful. However, when I'm there with a girl I really want to be my girlfriend. As an 18yr old virgin (like the main character) and I hear quotes like:


Well, I laughed so hard and enjoyed the movie so much. Not because it was the best movie (it wasn't) but because it resonated so much!

Fast forward another decade

And at this time I'm newly married to my wonderful wife. The first movie we saw together as husband and wife is an enduring love story. Well, maybe not an enduring love story but a love story nonetheless.


I'm sitting in a theater with the woman I love, watching a movie about people finding love, and then finding loss. It meant something more to me then than it would at any other time. Could I watch it again now? Sure, but the effect wouldn't be the same as it was at that moment and that time.

Fast forward another decade

And now I have two small children. One of the movies that I took them to that they enjoyed the most was an animated film.

This one to be precise:


It was lighthearted and fun. More importantly I got to see my kids enjoy it and the smiles on their faces. I got to hear the energy in their voices as they re-enacted their favorite parts and favorite lines.

Sure I could watch it by myself now as my children are old...but why? The magic of the moment would be gone. It is so much less without their joy and energy to make the moment.

And that's the whole point.

The most beautiful woman in the world is all about the magic of the moment.

The best joke ever told were the right words with the right the right time. Making for another magical moment.

The best movie ever isn't "The Best Movie!" its a good movie with the right people at the right time to develop the best memories.

Unfortunately, the most beautiful woman gets old. The best jokes get cliche. Even the best movie often doesn't age well.

Star Wars looks dated by todays special effects.

Once Bitten seems homophobic by today's standards and lines like:
"That's it, we're homo's. We're rump rangers" while funny at the time would be seen as insensitive and rude by today's standards.

Cars was fun in its day....but overhyped, overmarketed, and overpromoted by now.

In short a lot of good movies don't necessarily age well.

But if I had to pick my favorite movie

You know...When the wheels hit the pavement or



Really how many movies do you truly see it when "The shit hits the fan".

187 jokes in less than two hours. That's a LOT of jokes.

Many of them are very stupid.


Some of the jokes you won't even catch unless you are paying close attention!

(same source as above).

And some of them I remember 40 years later. A man with a drinking problem.... Haha...such a Dad joke.

Source: Again, same as above.

If you don't know the movie it's


Now you might say....


The Best movie ever?

Surely you must be joking!


Nope, I'm not joking, and "Please don't call me Shirley".

Thanks for reading
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