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Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks

Love, I tell you, is a beautiful thing. Love is more than what is described by Google.com as ...

an intense feeling of deep affection or feel deep affection for (someone).

When I first saw the prompt for this week, I just hoped that when I finally settle down to write on it I would not be writing from the standpoint of a romantic relationship. Honestly, this is because I was ready to do the very justice to it which may offend some people.

In this very life, we are in, a relationship is key. It was when I was about to enter the university that I understood the meaning of the subject Social studies we study from elementary to secondary school. Basically, that is the study of how we were supposed to relate to each other as members of society at every stage we find one another be it in traffic, public meetings, ceremonies, etc. In all these scenarios, a relationship is germane whether it is just a social, political, or financial relationship.

Back to Love.😊

Can Love Be Bought?

Naturally, love is basically a feeling (that is it is abstract) that a person has towards another person or thing in some other cases. In our world, only tangible things or what we see as that can be bought like goods and services. So, this means that love can not be purchased. However, there is some kind of relationships that can not do without money. I am not saying it can be bought somehow someday. NO! The thing is that the role of money in fostering such relationships can not be overemphasized.

Before, we see how love and money correlate with one another at some point. First, when we say we love something, most times, it has nothing to do with money or any financial sense in the picture. For example, seeing an obviously delectable food in a commercial ad, a normal human will like or love what he sees. Right? Here, has money or anything related to that been mentioned?

However, love is more than just a feeling, it is sacrifice. This means you can let go of some things in order to please who or what you love. Now in what we see as romantic relationships today, money plays a role in fostering it. A true relationship here should never be founded upon money or else it is like building a skyscraper on quicksand.

In my local society, some people have turned to the fact that money should come first before love but I strongly disagree. If that is the case then the love is and will be fake. I know many will not agree with this and I know we live in a different world apart from our parents. That wrong notion, I believe, sprang up from people who have taken romantic relationships as nothing serious so they use the opportunity to joke around it. And since it is an unserious one, they need some compensation which is why they turn to money. This implies that as long as the money is there, the so-called love exists until the source of money stops or one of the couples wants a serious thing. And the relationship ends, most likely.

In the case of a strong and serious relationship, love comes naturally before money. But no party in the relationship should be idle, that is, not doing something to generate some income. Like I said earlier, money still holds a part to build up love but it should never be the basis of money.

What Then Can Purchase Love?

Maybe we can get it on a Black Friday 🤣Source

The only thing that we can say is able to purchase love is love itself. This implies that in the way what we love duly reciprocates it is how much love may tend to spring from us to that entity. In other words, it is the way you appreciated me for the love that flows from me, that is to the extent I will love you (more).😍😊 Now, appreciation does not mean gratitude alone. It is an aggregate of love itself, respect, and sacrifice among others!

This is my entry for the Hive Learners week 21 edition 1 topic which you can check out here.

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