Quality and quantity of food

Hello everyone, this is my entry into the contest by @HiveLearners. Its topic is natural food and artificial food. Natural food was preferred in the past because it's healthy food and it could be enough to fulfill the needs of the diet for small numbers of people living in the past. But with the increase in population, food demand has also increased. We moved toward synthetic food when the need for food increased.
Processed food has preservatives, flavors, and extra sugar added to different processing methods. Natural food is naturally less in quantity but best in quality. But we can't manage natural food in today's life. We(humans) have changed the environment totally and we can only see man-made things everywhere
There are some reasons behind it, which can't be ignored
The population is increasing with the speed of light hihi, so we need a lot of food to feed this huge population, we use fertilizers in our field because we need more food
We preserve food because we have built a large number of residences in all areas, and everyone can't manage to get natural food, also natural food is spoiled if it is not preserved and can't be used for a long time, and we can't transport food up to long distances without preserving it.
Now the inflation rate is increasing due to fewer resources on earth, we all have to earn and we can't give time to cooking(although it is not impossible). We prefer to take a meal in a restaurant instead of cooking at home.

Eat less but the best
We all know this, but shouldn't we all remember it?. But we can't do this because when we eat we prefer food that is preferred by our tongue and we don't care about our innocent stomachs and liver. Our stomachs can't afford the load of so many spices, flavors, and fats used in an extra amount.
Our liver is the vital organ in detoxifying the food which we eat when we take cold drinks, colored food, spicy and extra sugar content our liver can't detoxify them properly. It leads to severe problems like fatty liver, increased fats, heart problems, and many more.
We can't say that one is best while the other is worse. Both have some pros and cons. We can't say that we can rely on natural food because it is pure. After all, natural food is not enough to meet the needs of food today. Processed food is not pure as natural food but if it is prepared in a hygienic environment and considering the health care, it can be better, and we have to rely on processed food as we have become habitual of all this.
Thank you for reading

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