My lovely pets:

Love with animals
Love for animals is a natural thing. We love those animals which can be kept at home and also show love to us as the dog and horse. These two animals are considered to be the most loyal friend of men. I love to have a German shepherd(although I am afraid of dogs since my childhood😆)

We prefer friendly animals
We usually make the animals our pets which are harmless and friendly. Some pets are cute and they attract us so we make them our pets. Having an animal at home increases the hustle and bustle of the house. Some animals are very useful in our daily life and we get many benefits from them. Some animals like dogs protect our homes and property. Most of us love dogs, but we haven't any dogs because my mom doesn't like dogs and also cats.

My pets
In our home, we have some pets(a cow, a goat, two hens, a cock, and kids of them only…😄)My mom is a true pet lover. She loves her pets more than she loves us. Sometimes I become jealous of her love. She takes care of them and if we also don't care for them, she becomes angry.
The baby goats I love the most because they are naughty guys. These are named Bhola, Paro, and Mitho. These kids play with us and are loved by everyone in my home. Bhola and Paro are siblings and their mom is the Malka while the mitho is the beloved one because her mother died a few months before when the Mitho was a small kid.

Our chickens🐥
Also, we have three chickens, two hens, and a cock. You know about the herm of cocks but our cock named Ganja(Having no hair on his head 😂)can't stay at home. He keeps tapping people's walls, therefore is not seen in the house. But our hens are innocent as most females😂.

We found a sparrow
My mummy is a caretaker of her pets and the injured birds that she finds in the backyard or garden of our home. This is an injured sparrow she found a few months ago but we kept it for a few days. After recovery, we freed her as she was a wild sparrow.

Sweet parrots
A few years ago, my brother bought a pair of parrots that are a smaller species. We kept them for a few months. We were interested in their breeding but one of our guests(who was experienced in birds' gender and their induced breeding) told us that both of them were females. Oh… this was not good news. My brother gave them to a friend🙃🙃.

Benefits of pets
To have pets at home is a good practice. Animals benefit us. If we have free space(I have a huge space because I live in a village)we should keep pets. We have a goat, a cow, and hens so we have pure eggs and milk at home. We enjoy ourselves with them and have fun.

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