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My favourite food.

Hi hivers, greetings to you all
Hope you week is going well so far.
I really want to appreciate the team @hive-learners and @newbies-hive for the amazing job so far.

Your favourite food: This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish, what matters is that you love eating it, tell us why you love it and how did it is being prepared.

Today I'll be sharing with you guys about my favourite food.

Food we all know is good for the body and enhance growth, food also strengthens the body.
So my favourite food is draw soup and eba, well I like swallow as an ijaw girl its in the blood.
If actually food can make me fat, "omo I know how fat I would have been".


How draw soup is being prepared
So many ingredient are used in preparing draw soup.

  • Meat
  • Smoked catfish
  • Snail
  • Okro
  • Bitter leaf( it's optional)
  • Shrimps
  • Crayfish
  • Periwinkle
  • Palm oil
  • ogbono( its optional)

Firstly you have to watch your meat and rinse with a fresh clean water, then put them in a pot add your blended fresh pepper, salt, maggi and little water to steam for about ten minutes, well this steaming also depends on the kind of meat you bought cause some meat don't get soft easily, e.g (cow head) you have to boil for an hour or more before it gets soft. You have to know that.

Then after you've finished steaming your meat, you wash your smoked fish and put in a bowl, there are some smoked fish you can wash with hot water to remove the smoked taste. After washing your fish then you wash and slice your onion in a plate. You also wash your snail and pill your shrimps and put in a separate bowl, And after that you wash your periwinkle and put in a plate. You cut your okro inside a plate, and lastly blend your crayfish.

People use different kind of leafs e.g ( bitter leafs, ugwu leafs, okazi leafs etc.) to prepare draw soup but I don't like using leafs in my draw soup, the leafs add more nutrient to the soup and make it more spicy and delicious, so the leaf is optional for me.

After you finished washing everything then next step is to start cooking, I like washing and preparing everything before starting my cooking cause it's makes things easy for me that way I don't have to rush things.

Now let's start cooking:
You put your pot on the gas, allow it to heat a little before you put your palm oil, allow the palm oil to hot for a while then you put your onions and after that you put your steamed meat and allow it to boil till the steamed water in the meat and palm oil are mixed very well.

Then you add your smoked catFish and your snail, why am adding the snail soon, so the snail will get soft and I don't want it to be too strong when eating, then allow it boil for some minutes, put your blended fresh pepper, salt and add maggi to taste, and allow it to boil for five minutes then you add two cups of water, reason I said two cups I don't like my draw soup to be too watery i like it being thick...


You have to allow the soup to boil for about twenty minutes then you add your shrimps or lobster and your periwinkle then allow the soup to boil for ten more minutes, then you add your okro, that's the last thing to add but if you're using bitter leaf or any other leaf then after the adding your okro then you put your leaf and allow to boil for five minutes.. Your soup is ready.


Thank you for reading.

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