Therapeutic Vacations

Not only vacations are approaching but presentations, assignments are also falling on my head. So, the excitement for the vacations is bit clouded under the academic work.


Many of us have this habit of relating our current life to childhood life. Childhood life is gift of nature to humans. Everything wss so clean infront of babies eyes.
Well, in my child days whenever winter vacations approaches, there was always fun. Every kid around was free from school and we use to map the streets of the village.
When i entered class 9th, we shifted from village to an upgraded form of village (town). In that town, i got interaction with Christian families. In town, there are two communities, Muslims and Christians, living and loving in harmony, peace and balance.
Still i am in the same town and i have so many friends there. Till my 12th grade, i spent all my winter vacations there and i always had this privilege to see Christmas celebrations.
That's peace and love is my heart.


Well, now i am in university and time has changed. I don't go often to my home. Even on vacations, I don't enjoy time as i used to enjoy.
Coming out from all these excuses, let's make plans for vacations.

A Picnic

What a coincidence with writing as just today we have decided a picnic party. I have group of 4 and four of us will go to picnic with high energy. The destination for picnic is just three kilometers away from my residence (university's hostel).
We will go to lake view park and will take ride of boat. I was enjoy the water splashes,voices of birds, walk of camels, noise of children, racing of motor car and there are other endless things.
Yes,why not, i will take pictures too!
This is a plus point of my group that we always make a list to do.So, in this way we all remain 24/7 ready for the next task. This week i already have settled my plans. Like, i have bon fire night on Wednesday,picnic on saturday, have to attend a cultural function on saturday's night and on sunday i will go to Islamabad with my friends. The last one is not confirmed yet but i am looking towards it with full of my positive energy.


Spending quality time with friends will bring laughter, joy, chuckles and indeed every sort of enjoyment.

Where To Travel?

I will travel to most expensive place in this world.
Is your mind clicking to that place?
It's Home, filled with love of mother and father, sibling's rants and food.
The purity of village life is pulling my heart towards it but my brain wanted to drown into the streams of books(academic stuff you know).
There is push and pull situation between heart and mind. My mind is saying To focus me on studies but in contrast, my heart is yarning for home as it's saying go to home and recharge yourself and then you can read.
I think heart is good here because it's been a month since i visited home.


My eyes want to see the green lush fields of country side. I will walk around those fields of wheat. My friends (of childhood) will surely visit me and my face will turn to smiles.
These will be therapeutic Vacations indeed.

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