Mobile Fever

Mobile wastes my time. I know this very well, still i use mobile. This is addiction. I am clingy with my mobile. This is not just problem with me but with many of you.

I am recalling the time when i was not into mobile's activities. I used to draw, read and play. That life was at full ease. I was kid and i used to request my uncle for just one game on mobile.

When i passed 12 standard then my father gifted me a mobile because it was right time for mobile usage( according to him). I also think that it was wise and best decision of my parents.

When i got my first mobile, it was time of COVID. It was time of aloofness, aloneness, alienation and isolation. Danger of catching cough, fever and covid was creating fear in people. Masses were entangled in stress and depression.

Easy Way To Escape

We humans are escapists and we don't want to face any stress in our lives__ it's true.

When i got mobile, i was entrenched in academics but i didn't want to become doctor and i didn't want to take online classes. On the name of online classes, i was scrolling youtube, Instagram and other social media platforms.

It was easy escape for me. I did not want any stress and tensions of academics, that's why i was pretending to be busy with my mobile phone.

Even these days, whenever i face any stress i just scroll apps in mobile. It's such a clingy thing.

How much is enough for me?

I think a normal person should use mobile for two hours and it's maximum. If a person is using it above 6 then believe me that person is abnormal and i am abnormal, hahaha.

Unless you are doing productive stuff on mobile then it's okay but if you are scrolling it then it's bad and there is no justification.


I checked my screen time. I was shocked and surprised. It's usual thing that i become shocked and surprised that "how?".

Personally, i try to just minimize my screentime. I still remember that there was time when i used to have 9 hours screen time.

My most of time spent on Ecency. Ecency is consuming me or i am consuming Ecency? A question ):

Second prize is awarded to whatsapp. Ahh, I don't like it but these days i am attending calls, listening to voice messages and texting to people with whom i have acquaintance.

Discord-linked with Ecency.

So you can see that Ecency is dominating thing everywhere. Since the time i joined hive i am using ecency frequently.

There are other apps too which consumes my time. I am not worried about Microsoft because there i read books of my course. But, other things are just excess.

Now, What To Do?

There is no external motivation. So, you have to be internally motivated for reducing your screentime. Otherwise, you will be deeply indulge in this digital world which is web of spider.

I have few tips which i should also follow;

  • Set fix time
  • Don't browse without any purpose
  • Engage yourself into physical activities
  • Don't spent much time alone
  • Read books and be social in real life but not on social media.

I hope i will also follow these advices.

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