Mobile and Useless App

My mobile storage is full. There are plenty of apps in my mobile. I always try to stay away from my mobile unless or until there is anything important. I focus more on living my life in a natural way. But, this generation is so consumed and absorbed in mobiles that they have forgotten many real things. They have forgot to sit down and spend some quality time with parents. They have forgot to go out and see what the magician is doing in the street. Time has changed a lot and I miss that old time.

I miss those days when I used to stroll in the streets with my street friends. I miss that era of television when we used to watch dramas with siblings. We used to laugh together. Those different outdoor plays, I remember and miss them a lot. It seems like those days and time are lost in the whirlpool of air.

I don't have a time machine and it also not real. So, I cannot fly back to my nostalgic time.

In this era, I know, everyone is trying to find an escape. Actually we all want our old days back but it is impossible. That time has gone.

Now,we siblings are sitting at a distance. We are more alienated, isolated and self absorbed. This is not weird but a new trend. We cannot deny this reality of time.

Photo by Panos Sakalakis on Unsplash

We find humor in Instagram reels and in real life we became stubborn and full of anger. We have lost our sleeps in quest of scrolling more and more.

Well, my today's blog is more specified to useless app or apps in my mobile. I assume, besides, WhatsApp, Medium and Hive, every other app is useless. WhatsApp is a way to connect with your fellows and friends. Personally, I don't really like to talk to others as much as I do like chatting or calling with my mom. I live in hostel so I have to make calls to my parents and siblings to know and to update them about life. Otherwise, I don't like WhatsApp either. I like to connect with people in real life. But, these people only connect in real life when you message them once on digital life.

There are other dozens apps like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, capcut, tik tok and many more. I use Snapchat and these social media platforms just to share my photos. If I do comparison then I will choose "Tik Tok" which is the most useless app in my mobile.

It's been months since I last opened Tik Tok and scrolled it. Back in COVID period, I became so much addicted to apps specially Tik Tok but now I consider it more cringe and time consuming app. It took your hours and hours. At the end, you will think that you just have spent few minutes but actually you have wasted so many precious hours in seeing that cringe.

I don't know what stopping me to uninstall Tik Tok. Do you have Tik Tok in your mobile or not?

See you next 🌺

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