Multiple Career And Its Benefits


And unless you are a rich business man who have succeeded in life many years ago or a politician whose source of income is through the government, you will be forced to multitask with involving in different careers to make ends meet because the current economy is one that will compelled you to do so.

The 21st century is an era that is so fast with lost of things happening, especially how countries are falling into global famine, produce and services increasing without warning. This is costing lost of extra demand from every individual and money is the only thing that can help us solve every need and to be able to solve our problems we must make sure to increase our earnings.

If for example am working in the office as a construction manager and not earning enough, I will be forced to go into a skill, learn it, acquire the certificate that can help me earn more money by the side which I will channel into other expenses. The issue here is that the innovation that was brought to us has made things very expensive, demanding extra expenditure from everybody’s pocket and with this change, any one who could not multi task by involving in more than one job/career will not be able to meet up with paying bills. I strongly support that any one who can achieve learning skills to support his/her financial income is a proper moves to make as far as its put to action once acquired.

Before this era, we were not using lots of expensive gadgets, costly handsets, many people were not exposed to high class lifestyle but as the years passed by, people are picking up with trends and all these comes with extra fund causing people to look for how to make more money which will enable them spend more. Its not that you must work in an office or do a job to help you get more income, but also learning a skill by the side or establishing a side business could help us with meeting our budget from time to time.


I have a friend who is a teacher 👩‍🏫. She goes to school in the morning, closes by 3:00 pm. Then when she comes back, rest till about 5:00pm, she will go to her side business of a business center where she does document printing because she went for a six months IT course. And this has helped her so much as a side income for her family.

Its of benefit and also very important for families not to depend on one source of income because it will be very difficult to cater for the children school fees, house rent, feeding and other basic needs especially if the husband and wife are not earning enough. With multiple sources of income, things are well aligned because each problem will be solved as they are coming up because life is full of continuously
lots of bags of issues.

In conclusion multiple career is very important and helpful especially in our present economy and environment where things are becoming so tough every day. And like I said, anyone who feel he/she has time and could cope, should learn and put the career into action because it will definitely help out. This is also part of life’s achievement.

Thank you for reading.

All sourced photos has been credited.

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