
Hello wonderful community!

I believe that I can say that the pace at which time flies these days is already too noticeable. Maybe it's because we grow older each day or it's just something that's beyond our scope of reasoning, but time literally flies these days.

I was discussing this with a friend and she said that it was only January last week and suddenly it's April. I laughed because I thought it was a joke but she was dead serious saying that the days and months are going by so fast and that she doesn't know where the world is headed at this pace.

I nodded in affirmation because I understood her point of view.

Just recently, we celebrated the start of a new month and as usual, the month is well on its way, approaching its ending and the start of another new month.

Though the previous month flew by, I do have some of the highlights from the previous month, March. It was a good month all the same.

The First Highlight Of Last Month

It was reconnecting with an old friend. This was someone that I never thought I'd ever meet again but it seems like Fate was on my side and we were always destined to meet again.

Meeting my very good friend after so many years was refreshing and we have had fun memories so far. I was really happy to see him in a place where I don't really know a lot of people and it was like a huge sigh of relief for me because it means that I get to have someone to talk to about things giving me problem in this school with the strong conviction that he understands (and he does understand!).

It's a wonderful thing.

The Second Highlight Of Last Month

My friends and I have been planning to go out together just for fun since last year but things haven't been going our way and all we did was postpone until the year ended. Returning back to school this year for a new session, we all vowed to go to one place at least just so that we can carry out half of not all of our plans and it was successful!

We went to an arcade and then to see a movie. We played a lot of games before we went to watch the movie.
I had a lot of fun that day, it was wonderful to go out with friends and unwind. I could literally feel the stress seep out of my pores because since the session began, I have been stressed out so much.

One mustn't overly stress to get what they want and I don't really understand why such has to be.

After playing games, we went to the cinema where we purchased tickets for a movie and the movie airing that day was MADAME WEB.
I usually check a movie out before watching it to see how well it performed and the reception that the movie got. I didn't check out the movie and I only remembered it when the movie had already begun. I found out that the movie had very low ratings but I still watched it.

We didn't stay till the end of the movie because it was already late and we had to return back to campus on time due to safety reasons.

I really enjoyed myself.

The Third Highlight Of Last Month

The third highlight of last month was the one week Easter break the school authorities included in the school's calendar. I had been waiting so long for that break and when it finally came, I enjoyed it to the fullest.

Few days before the break commenced, I began to experience symptoms of malaria and so I went to the hospital to get necessary treatment from the doctors. Soon, the break commenced and I used the opportunity to recuperate and gain my strength back. I diligently obeyed the prescription given to me, I finished them all, got enough rest and I didn't go out at all. All I did was stay indoors, eat very well and take pictures of the sky.

Image is mine

I enjoyed every second of it.

It was with a heavy heart that I had to resume classes the next week. Then the school authorities included another break in the school's calendar for the new month which is currently ongoing and I am super grateful for it.

March was really good to me and I believe that April will be better.

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