A Beautiful Smile.

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According to various definitions, a smile is an indication of happiness, pleasure, satisfaction, positivity and every good feeling out there.

We smile whenever we feel happy.
We smile whenever we feel positive.

In other words, smiling brings out the beauty in us.
The ugliness of this life is cast away when we smile.
That is why it's important to smile always, through the good and the bad.

A smile has the power to reduce stress greatly.
A smile can help in heart health.
A smile lowers blood pressure - more reason you should smile more and worry less.

Just a little smile can help a needy soul greatly.
What some individuals need is just a smile. A simple beautiful, genuine smile.
That's all the motivation they need to carry on.

Smiling makes you more approachable and sociable.
You attract positivity and your aura is always a beautiful one.
To live with an inner smile is to live in harmony with yourself.
And that's probably one of the best things. Living in harmony with yourself.

Make it a habit.
Smile always.
Smile every day.

A beautiful smile can be and is contagious, before you know it you all are smiling and laughing together.

Smiling helps build stronger relationships.
The benefits of smiling can not be over emphasized.

As someone once said, your smile can change the world.
A smile makes the world seem less haunted.
A smile can make a doubtful soul become hopeful.
A smile gives courage to the dejected.

I've been wearing a smile this whole time too.
I'll make sure to keep it on my face for the whole day.

Make it a habit I repeat.
Smiling never gets old.

Go out there and show the world your beautiful smile. Your own way of making the world a better place.

The world needs our smiles.

Thank You For Reading.

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