My closet is too small!

My closet is too small!

Hello everyone, today a new topic from the Hive Learners community, more in particular about clothes and how long you're in front of a mirror to choose what you'll wear. Will try to describe how I deal with (new) clothes and why my closet is too small. I hope you'll enjoy the read ;)



How I deal with (new) clothes

Actually it's quite simple: I just wear the T-shirt which lays at the top of the pile of T-shirts and than check if the first pair of trousers kind of match, if not, I check the second one and so on. Than I'm ready to go. All good, you may be wondering, but what with your shoes and socks? Well, nearly all my socks are rather boring grey / black socks, so that's quite easy as I just grab a pair. I have multiple pairs of shoes, but just one pair for every occasion: working shoes with a steel tip for working outdoor / doing heavy work, informal shoes for my spare time, more formal ones to go to work (got a desk job), very formal ones for special occasions as marriages, flip-flops for going to the pool / beach and worn-out shoes when it could be dirty for example for a rainy music festival.

I guess you already get it, I'm not really the kind of person wearing the new trendy stuff, rather the boring colors as black, blue, grey, brown etc. Neither am I standing in front of the mirror, hesitating what to wear or what to combine.

Why is my closet too small?

Probably after reading the previous alineas, you're thinking: how is it possible that your closet is too small? I'm indeed not the type of person who loves shopping to get new and more clothes.

Well, my girlfriend is kind of the opposite of me. As much as I prefer the boring colors, she prefers a more wide arsenal of colors and types of clothes. So she needs more space in our closet. On a sidenote: she also often cleans her side of the closet, so all by all I still have enough space as well.

Would I like to change?

Yes and no. I prefer to wear out my clothes, I'm against throwing away stuff if it's still as good as new. Yes, I also fight against becoming bigger horizontally, if you get what I mean ;) In that point of view, I sometimes have to 'throw away' clothes as well. Will bring them to a second hand shop though.

The aspect of wearing less boring clothes is something I would like to change in the future. But I guess that at this moment in time I'm not self-confident enough to wear more hip clothes. Only the future will know if and when I'll start to wear another style of clothes.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article! Feel free to share in the comments how you're dealing with clothes if you're not participating to the HL topic, otherwise I'll see your article passing by.

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