Bad smell for thank!

Bad smell for thank


Have you ever done something for someone and they repaid you with ingratitude? Even downplaying the sacrifices you made to mean nothing? How did it go for you? And how did this experience change you? Are you still close to that person?


Hello everyone, it's my second week in which I managed to take part in all three the contests. So I have to admit that I'm quite happy for doing so. Now let's get on topic!

About the title

I know it's bad English, probably doesn't make sense at all but I wanted to use it tough. It's a literal translation of a Dutch saying 'Stank voor dank' which is used when you get ingratitude for doing something for someone else. I hesitated to put the Dutch words as a title but that would probably make even less sense to most of this community.


In my childhood I had a friend who was quite often the representation of the subject. I was about ten years old when I sat in class with her. Whenever someone tried to help her, it was never good (enough). One day her parents forgot to make her lunch or she forgot it at home. So one of the teachers was asking around if someone could miss a slice of bread. I answered that I could miss one so asked if she likes cheese on her bread. The other child responded yes, so I gave it to her. I kept an eye on her and when lunch was over I saw that she threw nearly the whole slice in the garbage can. I couldn't understand it so on the playground I went to her and asked why she threw it away after confirming that she was fine with cheese. She told me she always ate bread with butter and mine was without, so she just threw it away. She explained this all while having a big, mean smile on her face.

Atleast I got to know her a bit, as I already had heard stories of her but I was always sceptical as I always try to see the positive in people. I learnt that even when I try to see the best, sometimes they are just not worth it.

I experienced some other stories aswell, with other people though but usually it ends up with me just moving away from them. Like not physically, but in terms of friendship.

All by all the results weren't that bad but it's ofcourse not a pleasant experience. So I hope you guys didn't have too much similar experiences. And if you would have some, than I truely hope that the consequences weren't too bad for you!

Before I end, I want to talk about one other experience I had. I used to be a discord moderator in a finance themed discord with a couple of ten thousands of members. I was always an active member so I got asked if I wanted to become a mod. I said yes and was very happy. A couple of months later, all of a sudden the owner dismissed the discord out of a sudden. So, my advice would be: Know who can be trusted and who not

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