Rise above the challenges, Bounce back stronger!

There has always been a long running discussion over the benefit of rehab centre. There were many rehab centre running around set up either by the government's or private organisations who takes cares of differrnt kind of people requirement from illness to criminal. One can easily find any rehab centre of their need. But the question alwsys remain how much are these rehab are effective and how far they will go treat the deceased.

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I remember my uncle who was hard-core alcoholic. When he was alive you alwsys find him intoxicated. Be it a day or night he was alwsys under the influence of alcohol or weeds. All efforts to protect him were in vain. Even we admitted him to rehab centre, but of no avail. Everytime he promissed to be better but again, as soon as he saw some one drinking or smoking he unable to control his urge for the alchogal. Such addiction is alwsy dangerous and at the end he ended up his life due to multiple organ failure at a very young age. This help me understand one thing. Any Rehabilitation is useless unless the person really wanted to change himself.

Recovery is a beautiful journey of rediscovering yourself. Recovery is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. In my uncle cases, he went out off the limit of alcoholism and never wanted to come back to normalcy. Such tendency also applied in case of criminal cases. Government have set up many rehabilitation centre for the help and support of the criminal. Many people use these rehab centre for their own welfare whereas, many ignore them. If we look at the criminal mindset, we have many criminal who get into the crime world with their own choice and passion while many get into it through nexus or through some situation.

In my opinion rehab centre are more useful for people who assume crime as their passion and commit various crimes for their own enjoyment. Puttingbthem into rehab centre may work for a better life. Each one of us deserve a second chance and so does these criminal. They were part of the society who mess their life due to unusual circumstances. Noone wants to get into the world of crime but certain situation and development in life may pull them in the dark world. A person if given a right direction and guidance may get influence for betterment. But again it all depends upon their urge to get better.

It is like a school, every kids were admitted for the studies. Not everyone are on same page. Those who really wanted to do well and succeed does well whereas those who are not much interested faired average. Likewise a criminal need to evaluate themselves to do well in life only to get better. It comes down to self realization of their mistakes and an urge to get better in life. Once it cones from within, It won't take much time to do better in life.


Namaste @steemflow

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