Mind Games - Play Psychologically with kidnappers.

I never want anyone to go through the trauma of being kidnapped. kidnaping gives the survivors some painful life experience. A victim can experience stress, reactions, denial, impaired memory, shock, numbness, anxiety, guilt, depression, anger, and a sense of helplessness. People get into the kidnapping mode, when they want to make quick money, or when they wanted to take revenge with someone or due to some political reason. Unemployment has now made many youth to pitch into this unlawful act to get hand on some money.

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Kidnapping has now becomes a trend for easy money making through ransom. People find it easy to kidnap anyone for the sake of money. No matter, what the victim will go through. Overpowering someone and holding in captive without their concent is a physical assault, which people find it hard to get over. From the kidnappers prospective they are ready to hold them tight and with full force so that the victim do not get away. On the other hand the victim try to make all efforts to set them free. And in between the tussle of physical strength both the sides gets hurt. However the victim always remain on the down side, being overpowered by number of kidnappers. Kidnappings happen for ideological or political reasons. This leaves little or no room for negotiation.

Criminal unlawful offence

Dealing with kidnappers is alwsys a tough task. Especially when you were being kidnapped. At times when you were overpowered and found yourself in an awkward situation. It is not easy to regroup or talk to your kidnappers. It requires a cool head on your shoulders to deal with the situation. Convincing your kidnappers to set yourself free is not going to happen. Neither you can create nuisance to do wonders with the kidnappers mind. Playing with kidnappers mind is a smart move. But that time is very crucial as the kidnappers too were in mood of running away as fast as possible from being tracked or caught.

It never happened so easily that a victim can get away easily by mere talking with their kidnappers. Imagining a situation that one could get away by talking out seem infeasible. But nothing is impossible so does setting free through talking. Being a shy guy myself with little words to speak, such situationnis quite far. But this can be easy for a talkative person, who loves talking. A talkative person is someone who enjoys talking and is friendly, and is often ready to talk about almost anything. Talkative people may also be associated with being friendly and may be ready to talk at all times. They are alwsys in cool mood and know how to swings the situation in their favour. These kind of person has many topics to divert anyone attention. And so does they can trap their away with kidnappers mind.

Be the torch bearer.

Convincing is a tough job but not for those who loves talking. These people gab at all times about just about anything. They are also more likely to make new friends and be successful in social situations. So playing away with kidnappers mind and getting away seems feasible to some extent with person having talkative nature. They have so many topics to choose from, from sports, to party , to spiritual, to laws and social repercussion. I think talkingbto your kidnappers about the repercussion of the kidnap and letting them know how things will get worse may allow he kidnappers to release su h person in middle of the kidnapping. As said many people took into the extreme step of kidnapping without knowing the effects and how they get treated. So bringing in lights with the situation and how the things unfolds for them will surely help an early release. Educate your kidnappers about the I'll effects of the illegal act, may bring in change of mind and may prove fruitful.

It is all about putting psychological pressure and playing with criminal mind to assure a safe and an early release.


Namaste @steemflow

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